As we conclude our week of considering questions about finishing well, here’s our final question: Why does finishing well matter? In a word: we were created to finish well. The point and purpose of our lives is to “…grow up into the fullness of the stature of Jesus Christ.” (See Ephesians chapter in the Bible) I recognize not all of you who read this blog are Jesus’ followers, but we who are come to understand over time, that God created us for a purpose. The chief purpose is to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever. We do that primarily by living our lives more and more like His Son, Jesus. As we grow and mature, as individuals and as leaders, our thoughts, words and actions, are to come more into alignment with the ways of Jesus Christ. That means finishing well.
That matters because people are watching us. People who know we follow Jesus are asking themselves, “Is that what it means to be a Christian?” As we finish well, people see the on going changes in our lives and it provides both hope and inspiration for their journey toward the finish line, too. So many folks in our culture flame out, or long for the day when they can retire, so they can relax and enjoy life. Those who are leading in Jesus’ name, are both life-long learners, and life-long “growers.” We are constantly growing in our characters, in our actions to reflect Jesus, the greatest and most integrated leader of all time. That matters both to us and to all we lead.
For example, as we lead by holding truth and love together in our lives those we lead see that Christians we are neither legalistic (which happens when we lead with truth, but don’t care about love), nor are we driven by a syrupy emotionalism (which happens when we lead with love, but don’t care about truth.) At its root integrity is integrating truth and love into our lives and leadership. That matters, because so few strive to hold the two together in tension. As Andy Stanley has pointed out that tension is always messy, but always worth it. Our leadership matters daily, and finishing well as we become more and more the integrated people practicing the truth in love makes us, allows us to be role models for others.
Many people in public roles across society tell the press, or the rest of us, “I’m not a role model. Just because I’m a professional athlete (or actor, or politician, or _______ [you fill in the blank]) doesn’t make me a role model. Actually it does. If we’re in a public role whether on a big or small stage, we are role models. The only question is whether we will be effective or poor ones. Finishing well is a great way to be an effective role model.
Finishing well also matters in the department of legacy–what we will leave behind after we’re gone. Some strive for fame and fortune as their legacy. Many others don’t even think about legacy. As leaders, we ought to consider our legacy for a number of reasons, not the least of which is we want someone to follow after us, to take up our leadership role when we have finished well. Part of our legacy is how we finish. Our legacy is both personal and corporate. Some who watch us finish well, will want to follow our example and finish well, too. Others will see the impact of our leadership on our company, church, community or whatever spheres of influence we impacted through our leadership and will be moved to pursue their own legacy of positive impact.
At the end of the day finishing well matters, because it’s the best way to glorify God and enjoy Him in our lives. We’re all growing older everyday. The question is what are we doing with our increasing life experience, with the networks of people who come into our lives? Are we using them to lead more effectively, to accumulate an “end” that reflects the power of a life well lived. You may not think you matter to others, but if you are a leader you matter to someone, and potentially many someones. Finishing well will be the last gift you leave to those who follow you, and the final chapter in your legacy. Finishing well matters.
Here’s to leading better by committing to finishing well, because it matters so much–today and everyday!