October 30, 2019 – Day 304 Luke 13-16

Luke 13-16 includes a good deal of material found only in Luke’s gospel, and nearly all of it is Jesus teaching.  The content exclusive to Luke is all of Luke 15, and the first part of Luke 16.  Luke 15 is another of my favorite chapters in the entire Bible, because we read about a lost sheep, a lost coin, and a lost son.  Each is eventually “found,” and each shows us how much God loves the lost.  My sense of urgency to see lost people come to know Jesus has always been fueled by Luke 15.  The incredible story of the Prodigal Son, as well, as the story of the elder brother show us the amazing love of our gracious God and Father.  Any time, I think about how much God loves us, the “Father” in the parable of the Prodigal Son comes to mind.

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