July 23 – Day 205 – Isaiah 15-17; Mark 11

In Isaiah 15 and 16 Isaiah offers an oracle against Moab.  The length of the oracle seems out of proportion to the size and importance of Moab, but Moab’s sin was not only in worshiping idols, but went all the way back to the time of Moses, when they would not let Israel pass through their land on the way to the Promised Land.  Moab had always been arrogant, and against Israel.  Their coming demise was going to be soon and it was going to be devastating.

Isaiah 17 offers an oracle against Damascus, but it also extends to Israel and Judah.  We must always remember, the LORD’s purpose in establishing Israel was to set Himself apart a holy nation.  They were so far from that through nearly all of their history.  The LORD’s judgment was promised on unfaithfulness, and His own people were always at the center of His fulfillment of that promise.

As we return to Mark 11, we read of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.  This was the one, brief moment when the people recognized Jesus as the King He was and is!  The next day, Jesus launched a frontal assault on the religious leaders, as he went to the Temple and overturned the money changers’ tables.  These were massive tables, but Jesus’ zeal for His Father’s house consumed Him.  The religious leaders were ready to arrest Jesus, but they were afraid because of the crowds.  We also have the account of Jesus cursing a fig tree in the morning, because it had no fruit.  Later, when they passed by it, the tree was withered from the root.  This amazed the disciples and they asked Jesus about it.  He told them if they had faith as a grain of mustard seed, they could cast a mountain in the sea.  Jesus continued speaking about prayer, and how central it is to our lives as His followers.  The chapter closes out with the religious leaders asking Jesus where He got His authority.  Again, Jesus answered a question with a question, “Where did John’s (the Baptist) authority come from –heaven or men?)  The question stumped the religious leaders.  If they said heaven, Jesus would ask why they didn’t follow him?  If they said men, the crowd would mob them.  They decided not to answer Jesus’ question.  He said, “Then I’m not going to answer your question either.”  The key for us here is to remember: You can’t get up earlier than Jesus.  He’s the Son of the Living God. He always knows what’s going on around Him.  You can’t trick Him or trip Him up.  As we go about our lives, how important it is to work to advance His Kingdom rather than questioning His authority, or anything else about His Lordship in our lives.

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