Day 275–Obadiah 1; Mark 16

The book of Obadiah is the shortest of the writing prophets. It has only one chapter. It was probably written shortly after Judah was carried off into exile to Babylon. The purpose of the book is to condemn Edom, Israel’s neighbor and “relative” (Because the Edomites descended from Esau, Jacob’s brother), for not helping the people of Judah when they were being destroyed and carried off to exile in Babylon. Not only didn’t the Edomites help Judah, but they helped Babylon to round up the people of Judah. Obadiah also condemns all the nations, saying that on the “Day of the LORD” the people of all the nations would receive their just judgment, while the people of Judah would be restored. This is the common theme of the prophets: Israel and Judah were judged for their unfaithfulness. The rest of the nations were judged for their idolatry and wickedness. The people of Israel and Judah will be restored.

As we return to Mark 16, once again, we’re reminded that Mark has a “shorter ending” and a “longer ending.” In both versions Jesus has risen from the dead. In the shorter version we read only of His resurrection, but none of His words to the disciples. In the longer ending, Jesus meets with the apostles and tells them of the work they will do in His name, and how the Holy Spirit will lead them and give them gifts for their work. The reason for the shorter and longer endings is because in the manuscripts of Mark’s gospel that were found, the earliest manuscripts didn’t include the longer ending. As we complete Mark once again, the key for us to remember is Jesus’ resurrection changes everything! Because He rose from the dead, so shall we. That makes all the difference now and forever.

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