Day 272–Amos 1-3; Mark 13

Today we turn to the prophet Amos, who may have been the first of the writing prophets. He served both Judah and Israel, and pronounced judgment on the nations for their idolatry, and rejection of God’s ways. In the end he offers the hope that Israel will be preserved through a remnant that will return.

Amos 1 starts with a rebuke of Jerusalem and Judah, but then moves quickly to a condemnation of most of the nations that surrounded Judah and Israel. The LORD promises to destroy each one for their sins against Israel and Judah.

This condemnation spills over to Amos 2, with a condemnation of the Moabites. Then the judgment moves to Judah and Israel. The LORD lists their sins in extensive detail, but by this time we have experienced most of what we read here in the other prophets. The people are reminded of the LORD’s faithfulness from the time He delivered the people from Egypt, and they are reminded of their unfaithfulness from that time as well.

Amos 3 offers additional judgment against Israel, with the LORD asking rhetorical questions, which all have the same answer: the people of Israel deserve their punishment. A bit of additional judgment is pronounced against Judah as well. As we have seen time-and-again throughout the prophetic books, the LORD holds Judah and Israel to the highest standard, because they alone are His people.

As we return to Mark 13, we recall it is Jesus’ pronouncement of what will happen in the future, and specifically at the time of His return. The message of judgment sounds similar to that of the prophets of all, but throughout the tone is more hopeful, and throughout Jesus offers a call to be ready when He returns. While many attempt to determine when Jesus will return, He tells us no one knows the day or the hour, so the key is to be ready whenever it is. As we live our days, we know one thing for certain: For us this is the “last generation” on the earth, that is each of us only gets to live for one generation. Whether Jesus returns during our lifetime, or waits for the next generation, we have only this lifetime to trust Him as Savior and Lord, and only one generation to love and serve Him. Let’s do that with all of our hearts, souls, minds, and strength, and do it in the power of the Holy Spirit. As we do, we can be sure whether He comes to establish His eternal reign during our lifetimes, or whether we go to see Him at the end of our lives, we will be ready!

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