Way back when I was a first year seminary student at Princeton, I had a preaching professor who said, “Never do anything always!” What he meant by that was as leaders, and particularly as leaders who are communicators we need to make sure that our routines don’t become predictable ruts that allow our listeners and followers to be become bored, distracted, or disinterested. That single statement has held a powerful impact in my leadership for nearly four decades. An example of its power comes from this weekend’s worship services at New Life. While the worship hour in churches across America may be one of the most predictable hours of the week in most settings, at New Life we tend to switch things up from time to time. This weekend our worship pastor, Brad French, pulled out the “acoustic” sound instead of our typical rock band style for the worship singing. Many people noticed and affirmed the difference. While some would like the acoustic sound every week, and others the rock style, because music is a matter of personal preference, the approach of changing from time to time keeps things fresher and that is refreshing!
I had folks come forward at the end of the worship gathering for a time of prayer and recommitment. Some churches do that every week, and others never do it. Many folks told me the experience was powerful for them. I felt the power, too. The majority of the reason for that was God’s work in us. I had sensed in my message preparation that God was calling us to make a tangible sign of our commitment or recommitment to Him. The blessing came in responding to that prompting, rather than say, “We never do it that way, God. I can’t change things up or people will get upset.” I never advocate change merely for the sake of change or for “shock value.” Following the promptings of God, or an intuitive sense that it’s time for a different approach often leads to breakthroughs in our leadership. The key is not to find one, particular approach and assume that because it works, we ought to stick with that forever. Remember: Never do anything always!
While schedule and routine are valuable for all of us, and the vast majority of us would do well to be more intentional with planning and carrying our our plans, even when it comes to our daily “regimen,” it’s helpful to switch it up every now and then. Exercising the freedom to do something a little different refreshes and renews us. I know that vanilla is the most popular flavor of ice cream worldwide, but every now and then it’s a good idea to try out a new flavor. The analogy holds in so many areas of our lives. I know folks who have followed exactly the same routine day in and day out for decades. For the most part they are quite successful. The challenge comes when something disrupts their routine, and let’s be honest something ALWAYS disrupts our routines. Making certain that we are intentional about changing things up every now and then prepares us for the moments when life changes our routines for us.
While your personality will have a lot to do with whether you like the rigid routine of a marine, or the happy go lucky whatever comes approach of the free spirit, each of us will lead more effectively if we are open to the idea of making adjustments from time to time so those we are charged to lead don’t find our approach so predictable that they stop listening for anything fresh or new in our leadership. As you go about the day think of one thing that you have been doing exactly the same way for a long time, and consider changing it up a bit for your benefit and the benefit of those around you. Please understand I’m not talking about any of the habits you have developed to keep you living with integrity, truth and love! I’m talking about habits such as the way you give a speech, or present a new idea to your work group, or exercise, or any area where a routine has become a rut. As one of my first mentors always said, “A rut differs from a grave only in its depth and length.” We want our leadership and our lives to be alive.
Here’s to leading better by doing something in a new or different way to enhance our ability to impact others–today!