Today we turn to the Apostle Paul’s first letter to the church in Thessalonica. We know from the Book of Acts, Thessalonica was not the most noble of the places Paul ministered, because we’re told the people in Berea were more noble or honorable than the people in Thessalonica. Yet, the Thessalonian church was filled with strong believers, and Paul took the entire first chapter to greet them and honor their willingness to suffer for the cause of Jesus. Both letters to the Thessalonians have a strong emphasis on the end of time, and the Thessalonian believers seemed to be preoccupied with it. Paul’s responses, particularly in 1 Thessalonians 4, offer a dramatic picture of what it will be like when Jesus returns.
As noted in the introductory paragraph, 1 Thessalonians 1 is Paul’s greeting to the church as well as his affirmation of their willingness to suffer for the cause of Jesus. Paul noted his ministry there was one that demonstrated the Holy Spirit’s power. As is often the case when God’s workers move into an area with no gospel presence or witness, the Holy Spirit’s activity draws the people’s attention to Jesus.
In 1 Thessalonians 2, Paul reminds the believers of the opposition he faced in presenting the gospel, and the opposition they faced in receiving it. He also points out he worked night and day, so as not to be a burden to them (financially). While he could have been a burden, he worked (as a tentmaker) so he could present the gospel with no thought of the motive being greed. Paul tells of being taken away from them involuntarily, and how much he wanted to return. Paul points out these believers are his “joy and crown,” showing us how much he cared for this particular group of believers.
In 1 Thessalonians 3, Paul tells of sending Timothy to see how the church was faring, because he was concerned that just as he had been persecuted for his faith, they were being persecuted, too. Paul’s concern was it might have been too much for them to handle. Thankfully, Timothy’s report of them was their faith remained strong. Imagine, living in a world where it wasn’t possible to know what was going on with people a hundred or two hundred miles away, without sending someone to walk to find out!
In 1 Thessalonians 4, Paul starts by reminding the believers to live holy lives. He speaks specifically against the harm done by sexual immorality. As we move to the second half of the chapter Paul addresses the matter of what happens to those who “fall asleep” i.e. die before Jesus returns. The concern of the Thessalonians was those who died before Jesus’ return missed out on Jesus’ return. Paul’s initial response is so helpful. He tells us we don’t grieve as the rest of people who have no hope. In other words, we do grieve when a loved ones die, but we know we will see them again. The remainder of the chapter portrays how dramatic it will be when Jesus returns. He tells us the dead in Christ (those who have died) will rise first, and then those who are living. Some have taken this statement to mean when we die, we “sleep,” also known as “soul sleep,” until Jesus returns. It could be understood that way, but it’s always important to interpret one part of Scripture in light of the rest of it. Because Jesus told us the dead are even now alive and with God, see Matthew 22:23-33, we can assume when we die, we do get to be with God immediately. It’s a point that is hard to argue, because the moment we die, time ceases to be an issue for us, as we enter the realm of eternity. I don’t argue the matter of soul sleep, because whether our resurrection is instantaneous, or takes place after a period of soul sleep, to our senses, it will be immediate, and we will be in God’s presence!
In 1 Thessalonians 5, Paul closes his comments about Jesus’ return by reminding us we don’t know the when, but we do know we’re called to be ready. As I say so often, “I’d rather be on the welcoming team than the planning team, when it comes to Jesus’ return. Paul closes the letter with these vital commands: 16Be joyful always; 17pray continually; 18give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 19Do not put out the Spirit’s fire; 20do not treat prophecies with contempt. 21Test everything. Hold on to the good. 22Avoid every kind of evil.1 Thessalonians 5:16-22 (NIV)
As we return to Luke 4, Jesus went into the wilderness after His baptism. There the devil tempted Him after (and during!) His 40 days of fasting and prayer. The devil’s temptations included a challenge to convert stones to bread to assuage His hunger; to bow down to the devil to receive the world, and to jump off the Temple, because God’s angels would protect Him. In each case, Jesus was tempted to take a short cut to the end of redeeming humanity. Each time, Jesus responded by quoting Scripture to the devil and ultimately sent Him away. Jesus then went to Nazareth where he started His public ministry. Quoting a messianic passage from Isaiah the prophet, Jesus told the people there who He was and what He came to do. The people were amazed, but then Jesus told them they wouldn’t accept Him, because no prophet is honored in his hometown. He was right, and the people drove Him out. Even so, Jesus healed many people, taught and cast out demons. While this was an incredible beginning to His public ministry, and the people begged Him to stay and do more, Jesus told them He had come to preach in the synagogues of Judea. Jesus knew His mission, and He wouldn’t let a preliminary success keep Him from pursuing it in its totality. How important this is for us to remember: A great beginning is just that–a beginning. We must continue to seek God’s face, to obey His commands, and persevere to the end.