Day 246–Lamentations 4-5; Matthew 15

Lamentations 4 offers explicit details about the devastation of the nobles and priests in Judah during the time of their overthrow. They were once dressed in purple. They are “stones of gold,” but not have become black and shriveled. The writer tells us the people of Sodom were better off, because they were destroyed in a moment. Those who were killed by the sword were better off, because they didn’t suffer. But these who waste away with hunger and disease, bear their suffering, and nothing  and no one is there to help them. The LORD is the one who did this, because of the people’s rejection of Him, because of their sin. One hint of hope comes at the close of the chapter when Edom is condemned. We’re told there will be no redemption for Edom, but the house of Zion will return. No additional information is offered, but at least some hope for the future remains.

Lamentations 5 is a cry to the LORD to restore the people. The writer recounts the heavy burdens the people endure. Women are raped, boys stagger under heavy loads, princes are hung by their hands, and the elders are shown no respect. The writer asks if the LORD will forget them forever. He calls on the LORD to restore them, but the book ends without a response from the LORD. We know from history the LORD answered this cry. Israel was restored on more than one occasion, and now the nation of Israel is a sovereign nation once again. When we experience the heavy burdens of life, let’s remember to call out to the LORD, to call on His mercy and ask Him for deliverance and restoration.

As we return to Matthew 15, we find the religious leaders coming to Jesus with a complaint about His disciples: they eat with out the ceremonial washing of their hands. Jesus responds by asking them why they break the command of God to uphold their traditions. Here Jesus makes a distinction between the actual commands of God, and the traditions human beings fabricate to “interpret” the commands, or make them easier to follow. Jesus points out how they fail to honor their fathers and mothers, by taking money that would have been used to support them and giving it as offerings.  Jesus then makes a powerful statement. It is not what goes into a person that brings defilement, but what comes out. The disciples didn’t understand what Jesus meant. His point is clear: what we eat doesn’t defile us. What we say does. Jesus said the words that come out of our mouth reflect the content of our hearts. That is what we must handle with care, not the food we eat.

Following this interaction, Jesus withdrew with His disciples for a time of rest, but while they were walking a Canaanite woman came and asked Jesus to heal her demon-possessed daughter. At first Jesus didn’t respond, but later when the woman gave Him a strong answer to His point about not “throwing the children’s bread to the dogs,” He healed her daughter.

The final episode in Matthew 15 is the feeding of the 4,000. Jesus had been healing and casting demons out of people all day, and He knew they were hungry. He had already been providing for their spiritual and physical health by healing and casting out demons. Now, He met their basic physical need for food, by taking seven loaves of bread and a few small fish and turning it into enough food to feed thousands of them. As we consider Jesus’ role in our lives, we must always remember while He is first and foremost our Lord and our God, He also wants to provide for our needs whether they be physical or spiritual. As you go about the day, worship Jesus as Savior and Lord, and call on Him as the faithful provider He is!

Day 245–Lamentations 1-3; Matthew 14

Today, we turn to the Book of Lamentations, which is written as five poems mourning the destruction of Jerusalem. Many biblical scholars believe the Lamentations were written by Jeremiah, and were written shortly after the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC.  Lamentations 1 offers the first poem of the downfall of Jerusalem. “She” is likened to a woman who has been destroyed, with her children sent off into exile. The reason for her fall is clear: she rebelled against the LORD, and sinned in many ways. He brought about her downfall, and her “lovers” the nations around her and the false gods she has served, can do nothing about it. Her princes are like deer scattered and unable to find food. The picture is similar to that painted in the Book of Jeremiah, with the main difference being the language is more poetic.

Jeremiah 2 makes it clear the LORD has destroyed Jerusalem and Jacob without pity. She has received the full measure of judgment for her sin. One of the statements that make us think of Jeremiah is the one referring to their prophets prophesying falsely to the nations. Jeremiah often pointed out the false prophecies of the prophets in Jerusalem during his ministry, and sometimes was punished for it. Now the people of the land are experiencing everything Jeremiah said would happen, and which none of the false prophets said would come.

Jeremiah 3 offers hope. While it starts with more recording of the evil befalling the people, it turns to the acknowledgment that the LORD’s mercies are new every morning. It recalls the LORD’s willingness to forgive those who turn to Him, and His carrying out of justice at all times. While every prophet in the Bible pronounces coming judgment for the people unless they repent, each one in his turn also speaks of the LORD’s mercy. The hope in Jeremiah 3 is offered in a strong dose of the reality that the LORD does not tolerate rebellion among His people, nor sin. Yet He always offers mercy when the people return.

As we return to Matthew 14, we find three main components of the chapter. First, we read the account of John the Baptist’s murder by King Herod. The sickening reality it portrays is that of a king who was more willing to murder an innocent man than to look bad before his dinner guests. Upon hearing of John’s death, Jesus went of to a solitary place. This was often Jesus’ response to either times of great affirmation of His ministry, or times of challenge and sorrow. We do well to learn from this, because in our lives we will also have times of triumph and defeat. In both of those times, we must be grounded in the heart of God. Otherwise, we will tend toward pride or despair, and both of those traits are from the devil. Jesus comes out of the time of solitude to heal the sick, and to feed the five thousand. After this time of affirmation, Jesus retreats once again, demonstrating the rule of His life: public ministry followed by time alone to be with His Heavenly Father. When He rejoins the disciples, they are already in a boat, and well out on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus walks to them on the water. When they seem Him, they’re terrified, but Jesus reassures them by telling them it is He. Peter calls out to the LORD and asks Him to call him to come, if it is really He. Jesus calls. Peter goes. Peter sees the waves and feels the wind, and taking his eyes off Jesus starts to sink. He offers perhaps the shortest prayer in history, “Lord, save me!” Jesus reaches out His hand and draws Peter up, and the two walk back to the boat.  (The text doesn’t tells us Peter walked back to the boat, but it’s a reasonable assumption. The only other possibilities are Peter swam beside Jesus, or Jesus carried Peter.) The invaluable principle we learn from Peter is: always keep your eyes on Jesus!

Day 244-Jeremiah 51-52; Matthew 13

Jeremiah 51 offers an extensive prophecy of the fall of Babylon. While we have already read of it in previous chapters, this is the most extensive word against Babylon. The LORD recounts her guilt not only for destroying Jerusalem, but for her actions against many nations. While the LORD used Babylon for judgment, and while He set her up to serve Him in this regard, she did not acknowledge Him, and continued to serve idols, who are no gods. The prophecy is written both in the future tense, and in the present tense, as if the events had already happened. Throughout the chapter the descriptions of the extensive nature of Babylon’s destruction shows us nothing will be left of this once great place and people.  At the end of the chapter, the LORD instructs Jeremiah to write down all these words, to take them to Babylon and read them to the people, and then to throw the book into the river, to illustrate that as a stone sinks to the bottom of a river, so will Babylon sink.

Jeremiah 52 recounts the historical fall of Jerusalem and Judah. We have this history in other places in Jeremiah, as well as in the records of the kings, but here we have one more recording of the events that took place when Judah fell, the Temple was burned, and the people were carried into exile. As always there is a bit of hope, when it comes to the LORD’s record of His people, as the king is released from prison, showing the Davidic line would continue. Jeremiah ends with the people in captivity, but hope still alive.

As we return to Matthew 13, we find a chapter filled with parables. We must remember, Matthew organized his gospel roughly along chronological lines, but he also organized it in a way it would be easier to memorize. Thus, we find sections of teaching and sections of action. Of course, Jesus taught through the actions of healing sick people, casting demons out of people, walking on water and calming storms. But Matthew 13 offers us a large grouping of parables, which may be easily memorized and passed on to others. That was important in Jesus’ day, because no means of mass producing books was available. To have a copy of Matthew one would literally have to copy it by hand. As we look at the parables, we see Jesus was a masterful creator of these stories with a point. No one before or since ever created parables with greater impact, although often they were quite simple in their content. Jesus’ goal was to hide information from those who were only seeking information or religious content, but to reveal it to those who were truly after a relationship with God, and had a desire to pursue His kingdom. As we read the parables, let’s remember to act on the punchlines, and not just nod our heads in affirmation!

Day 243–Jeremiah 50; Matthew 12

Jeremiah 50 foretells the fall of Babylon in great detail. Intertwined with the telling of Babylon’s judgment is a promise that Israel and Judah will be restored. One of the most powerful statements in the chapter is that when anyone looks for sin in Israel and Judah it will not be found, because the LORD will pardon their sin, not holding it against them. The LORD tells Babylon, she has relied on her idols, but they won’t help her. She has abused the nations, and Israel and Judah in particular, now a group of nations will come from the north and destroy her. Once again, the LORD will use pagan nations to overcome a pagan nation. Babylon was used by the LORD, but did not turn to her. Now, she will reap the consequences of her own actions. In the end we always do. Those who “sow” sin “reap” judgment, and those who “sow” righteousness “reap” life.  As we read through the chapter we see how completely Babylon will be destroyed. The LORD tells us Babylon will be as Sodom and Gomorrah. It doesn’t get any worse than that, when the LORD pronounces judgment against a nation!

As we return to Matthew 12, we find Jesus and the religious leaders at odds once again. This time, Jesus and His disciples were walking through a grain field on the Sabbath and some of them picked heads of grain and ate them. The religious leaders condemned the action as “working” on the Sabbath. Jesus responded with a couple examples from Jewish history of David “breaking” the Law by eating food reserved for priests, and of the priests working on the Sabbath with impunity to show that the religious leaders were wrong. Then Jesus made an incredible statement, “I tell you something greater than the temple is here.” (Matthew 12:6) Jesus said those words about Himself. He told the religious leaders He was greater than the temple! Let’s stop to consider that for a moment. If Jesus was greater than the temple, the place where God dwelled, the place where the people’s sins were forgiven through the offering of sacrifices, the place where Jews from around the world came on pilgrimage at the times of all the holy days of Israel, then Jesus was saying He was the vehicle for all of that to take place.  That is incredible. Jesus concluded this interaction by saying the religious leaders ought to remember that the LORD wants compassion and not sacrifice. He also told them He is LORD of the Sabbath. This was a clear statement of His lordship.

Jesus continued to put Himself in conflict with the religious leaders by going into a synagogue and healing a man with a withered hand. He confronted them before He did so by asking whether it was lawful to do good on the Sabbath? When they wouldn’t answer He healed the man. They went out and plotted how to kill Jesus. Jesus wasn’t concerned. He went out and healed many more and cast demons out of people. The religious leaders said Jesus cast out demons by the prince of demons. Jesus asked how a kingdom divided against itself could stand? He also pronounced judgment against the religious leaders for blaspheming against the Holy Spirit, which is attributing the work of God to the devil. Jesus told a parable of a man who was demon possessed, who had the demon cast out, but did not fill his life with God. The demon went out and found seven other demons worse than itself, and the last state of the man was worse than the first. This tells us how important it is to be filled with the Holy Spirit once we have been delivered from sin and evil in our lives. Finally, Jesus identified those who are His “family,” by saying anyone who does His Father’s will is His sister, mother and brother.

Day 242-Jeremiah 47-49; Matthew 11

Jeremiah 47 is a brief chapter in which the LORD calls down judgment on the Philistines. He tells them they will be overrun and destroyed. He mentions cutting themselves, which was a common practice among idol worshipers. The intent was to gain the god’s attention. But such action would have no impact, as the LORD’s judgment was going to be carried out against them.

As brief as Jeremiah 47 is in proclaiming judgment on the Philistines, so extensive is Jeremiah 48 in proclaiming judgment against Moab. In great detail the cities of Moab are named and marked for destruction. The LORD mentions Chemosh, one of the gods of the Moabites, by name as being overthrown. The LORD speaks both in the present tense and in the future tense of Moab being destroyed. He tells the people they will be scattered and not one will remain in Moab. He tells them they will be destroyed in the pit and in the snare. The words of judgment flow from beginning to end, and then in the last verse, words of hope are offered as the LORD says He will restore Moab.

Jeremiah 49 offers judgment against the Ammonites. The pronouncement isn’t as lengthy as that against Moab, but it is still detailed. Then the pronouncements of judgment turn to Edom, Damascus, Kedar, Hazor, and Elam.  With more or less detail, the LORD tells each nation or city of the impending judgment. In this case, only Elam is promised restoration by the LORD.

As we return to Matthew 11, we find John the Baptist, who was in prison, sent some of his disciples to ask Jesus whether He was the Messiah or whether they ought to expect another? The question comes from John’s understanding that the Messiah would be a conquering hero who would overthrow Rome and restore Israel’s prominence. This wasn’t merely John’s understanding. Most of Israel thought the same way. Jesus’ response was to tell of His works, and to quote the prophet Isaiah, which said the Messiah would do such works. Jesus then turned to the crowds and spoke of his place in the redemptive process. He said John was the Elijah who was to come to prepare the way for the Messiah. He pointed out John was not dressed in fine clothes, because his purpose was not to experience the finery of life, but to prepare the way of the LORD. He also said no human being to that point was greater than John, but the least in the Kingdom of God was greater than John. Jesus was pointing out that those of the old covenant have place and prominence in God’s purpose, but God’s ultimate purpose was to establish His eternal kingdom.

Jesus went on to condemn several cities in the region of Galilee, for their unwillingness to let Jesus’ miracles turn their hearts to the LORD. He mentioned Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum by name. He said that if the kind of works done there had been done in Tyre, Sidon, Sodom, and Gomorrah, the people there would have repented and turned to the LORD. Therefore, the judgment on those three cities would be great.

Jesus closes out the chapter by thanking His Father for showing His truth to the simple, and hiding it from the wise. He tells us if we are tired and burdened to come to Him and He will give us rest. His “yoke” is easy and His  burden is light. The yoke refers to the instrument used to connect two cattle so they could be used to plow a field or some other type of work. As we are yoked to Jesus, He shoulders most of the burden, and guides us along the way. How important it is for us to yoke ourselves to Him!

Day 241–Jeremiah 44-46; Matthew 10

In Jeremiah 44, Jeremiah tells the remnant of the Judeans who had gone down into Egypt of the LORD’s complete judgment on them for worshiping false gods both in Judah and in Egypt. He singled out the women for offering  sacrifices to the Queen of Heaven. In response, the women said they would continue to offer their offerings to the Queen of Heaven, because when they did it in Judah, they had plenty. They told Jeremiah they made their offerings with the full affirmation of their husbands. Jeremiah responded the LORD was punishing them, because of their offerings to false gods, and his response would be complete. Only a few would ever return to Judah, but the vast majority would be destroyed by the sword, pestilence, and famine. Jeremiah told them the Pharaoh of Egypt would suffer the same fate as King Zedekiah, and be carried off into exile, and that he would not be able to offer any protection to them.

Jeremiah 45 is brief and is directed at Baruch, Jeremiah’s scribe. The LORD’s message to Baruch was he would, indeed, experience the devastation of the people of Judah, but he himself would be spared.

Jeremiah 46 is a lengthy condemnation of the land of Egypt. In it the LORD promises to use Babylon to crush Egypt, and to not leave them with any strength or power. In extensive detail, the LORD tells how and where it will happen. At the end of the chapter the LORD also tells the people of Judah they will be offered a reprieve at the end of it all. While He promises to make a “full end” of Egypt, He also promises not to make a “full end” of Judah, but to restore them in the future.

As we return to Matthew 10, we find Jesus calling the twelve who He wants to appoint as disciples/apostles. Then He does what He told them to pray for at the end of Matthew 9: He sends them out into the harvest field. He gives them extensive instructions. He tells them they will have His authority, but He also tells them they will be hated, and will be dragged before kings and other authorities. He tells them they will be hated by their own family members, but in the end if they are faithful they will receive their reward. Anyone who reads Matthew 10 must understand Jesus did not promise an easy life filled with blessing and material riches for those who follow Him. He promised an abundant eternal life, and He promised we would have trouble and challenge both among our families and out in the world. Jesus was always completely honest, and as He sent out the twelve He assured them they would have what they needed, but it would come with great sacrifice and cross-bearing. We must understand that same promise is for us. Jesus will never abandon us, but that does not mean we won’t experience great challenge and difficulty. He was crucified and He was perfect, so we must expect the world to mistreat us as well–if we are following Him faithfully.


Day 240–Jeremiah 41-43; Matthew 9

Jeremiah 41 tells us of Gedaliah’s murder by Ishmael and his men. Ishmael wreaked havoc on the small remnant of Judeans remaining in Jerusalem, but eventually a new cohort of Judeans came and attacked Ishmael and his men, forcing Ishmael to return to the Ammonites. At that point the remnant decided they would go down to Egypt where they thought they would be safe from the “Chaldeans” or Babylonians.

In Jeremiah 42, Johanan the leader of the remnant of the Judeans asks Jeremiah to inquire of the LORD whether they ought to go down to Egypt. They tell Jeremiah they will do whatever the LORD says, but when the LORD responds, He tells them to remain in Judah. The LORD promised if they would stay in Judah, that none of the things they feared: sword, pestilence, or famine would come to them. But if they decided to go to Egypt to avoid these things, they would all die in the land of Egypt. The LORD also told the group that He knew they would not obey them, and they would go to Egypt.

In Jeremiah 43, Johanan and his men take all the remaining Judeans to Egypt, including Jeremiah, and Baruch, Jeremiah’s scribe. When they arrive in Egypt, the LORD tells Jeremiah to take stones and put them in the wall of the palace of Pharaoh. Then He tells Jeremiah to tell the people that He is going to bring the King of Babylon to sit on a throne higher than those stones, in other words, he is going to rule over Egypt. The LORD tells them the Babylonians will take some off into captivity, and some will die by the sword, and some will die by pestilence. This is the result of the disobedience of Johanan. We would think after so much of what Jeremiah telling the people coming true, even though some of it was after considerable periods of time, that the people would have listened to Jeremiah. Because they didn’t, everything Jeremiah said would happen to harm them would happen.

As we return to Matthew 9, we find Jesus again healing people, casting demons out of people, even raising someone from the dead. He calls Levi or Matthew the tax collector to be one of His disciples, which upsets the religious leaders, because Jesus associated with such “sinners.” Jesus simply responded that healthy people don’t need a doctor, but the sick. Jesus also had a conversation with some of the disciples of John the Baptist who wanted to know why Jesus and His disciples didn’t fast. Jesus pointed out that no one fasts during the wedding feast. Calling Himself the bridegroom, He said His followers would fast when He was no longer with them. As Jesus saw everyone in so much need, He turned to His disciples and told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” Then He told them to pray for the “Lord of the harvest,” to send workers into the harvest.  Hold that thought until tomorrow, because after calling the disciples to pray for the Lord to send more workers at the end of this chapter, He sends them out at the beginning of the next!

Day 239–Jeremiah 38-40; Matthew 8

In Jeremiah 38, we come to Jeremiah’s lowest point–literally. Some of King Zedekiah’s men came to him and said that Jeremiah needed to be killed, because he was prophesying against the city of Jerusalem and against the nation. King Zedekiah responded that he could do nothing against them, and they could do whatever they wanted with Jeremiah. They took Jeremiah and lowered him into a cistern. The cistern contained no water, only mud at the bottom and Jeremiah sank in the mud. He would have died there except for the goodwill of one of the king’s eunuch’s who saw what had been done to Jeremiah as wrong. He went to the king and convinced him to let Jeremiah out of the cistern. When Jeremiah was safely out of the cistern, King Zedekiah called for him, and asked what was going to happen next. Jeremiah told him that he would kill him if he told the truth. The king promised not to kill him. Jeremiah told him if he surrendered to the Babylonians that he would be carried off to Babylon and the Babylonians would not burn the city, but if they didn’t surrender that the entire city would be burned. King Zedekiah then let Jeremiah go, and told him not to tell anyone what he had said. They put together a ruse of telling others Jeremiah had begged the king to spare his life. That is how the chapter ends.

In Jeremiah 39, the city falls to the Babylonians. In a horrendous act, King Nebuchadnezzar has King Zedekiah watch as all his sons are slaughtered, and then his eyes are gouged out, so the last thing he ever saw was the death of his sons. Then he was taken into captivity in Babylon, along with the rest of the people of the city. Nebuchadnezzar’s forces burned the city and broke down its walls, leaving only the poorest in the land in place. Jeremiah was set free by Nebuchadnezzar, and Jeremiah told the Ethiopian eunuch who had freed him from the cistern, the LORD was with him and he would not be carried off or put to death.

Jeremiah 40 tells us of the Babylonians giving Jeremiah the opportunity to go with them or to stay in the land under the protection of Gedaliah, the governor. Jeremiah chooses to stay in Judah. Under Gedaliah, the Judeans who had gone into self-imposed exile in Ammon and Moab returned. As life returned to some semblance of normal for the remnant who remained, a plot against Gedaliah’s life was uncovered, but Gedaliah would not permit his men to kill the man who was said to be the one who was going to assassinate him.

As we return to Matthew 8, we read of many miraculous signs Jesus performed, including the healing of a leper, the healing of a centurion’s servant without Jesus even going near the man, the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law, and the healing of many other people in Capernaum. Matthew shows us Jesus’ ability to bring wholeness to people’s lives. Then Jesus performs the miracle of calming a storm on the Sea of Galilee, showing us He has power over nature.  Following this, Matthew tells us of several men who said they wold follow Jesus, but they put limitations on when and how they would do it. Jesus made it clear, He is the one who sets the agenda not us.  After that Jesus healed two men who in the region of the Gadarenes, a Gentile area, who were possessed by demons. When the people of the region saw Jesus’ power, rather than being amazed and asking Him to heal others, they were overwhelmed and asked Jesus to leave the area. This shows us that not everyone wants what Jesus offers. We see this in our own day. People have the opportunity to receive salvation in Jesus’ name, and some do. But others reject Jesus as one “miracle worker” among many. Others reject the entire concept of God. In every era, some receive Jesus and His miraculous salvation, while others reject it and send Him away.

Day 238–Jeremiah 36-37; Matthew 7

In Jeremiah 36, the LORD tells Jeremiah to write down all the words of prophecy He has given him. Then Jeremiah got Baruch to write down everything the LORD had told him. After this Baruch went to Jerusalem on a day of fasting read the scroll to the people. They were afraid, and told the king’s secretaries about it. The secretaries came out and told Baruch to go find Jeremiah and hide with him, so no one would be able to find them. (It seems the secretaries knew their king!) After they had read the scroll, they were filled with fear–an appropriate response. They took it to the king, and had it read to him. The purpose of all this, was the LORD had told Jeremiah that if the people heard the words and repented, He would forgive them. Instead, as the words were read to King Jehoiakim, he cut them off the scroll three or four lines at a time, and threw them into the fire. In this way, he burned the entire scroll! He also told the people to find Jeremiah and Baruch so they could be killed. The LORD protected Jeremiah and Baruch, and told Jeremiah to dictate the words again, and that the result of Jehoiakim’s action would be that the punishments would be carried out against all the people, and that Jehoiakim would die and his body left to be subjected to the heat and the cold.

In Jeremiah 37, Jeremiah prophecies to King Zedekiah that he will be carried off to exile in Babylon, and then he returns home. He is seen by one of the royal guards and arrested for attempting to flee to the Chaldeans. This charge was not true, but Jeremiah was arrested nevertheless. He was held in prison for a time, and then brought to King Zedekiah to see whether the LORD had a word for him. When Jeremiah again told him what would happen, the king, moved Jeremiah to another prison, and saw that he had bread to eat as long as there was bread in the city. Jeremiah’s “reward,” for being faithful to the LORD was being beaten, arrested, and imprisoned.  The important principle for us to gain from this is: obeying the LORD isn’t always easy, and sometimes it leads to imprisonment or worse, but the LORD will always reward us in the end for our obedience. Jesus is the clearest example of that, because He was the only person who was always obedient, and His “reward,” was being arrested, beaten, and crucified. As we know that turned out for the best!

As we return to Matthew 7, we come to the conclusion of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. This chapter contains six different teachings of Jesus, and cover not being judgmental when we see faults in others, praying with perseverance,  the “Golden rule,” recognizing the source of true “fruit” in our lives, the reality that only those who do the will of our Heavenly Father, will enter heaven, and the importance of “building our house on a rock.” Each of these lessons offers us the challenge to do something we won’t continue to do for long without the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. Jesus established what it looks like to live the spirit-filled life throughout the Sermon on the Mount, but until He died, rose again, returned to heaven and sent the Holy Spirit, the Sermon on the Mount would be a source of great frustration to any who sought to live it. As we know from the lives of Jesus’ disciples, until they received the Holy Spirit they often failed to understand Jesus’ teaching, and they were able to follow His will consistently. Let’s use that as a reminder for our lives: We must call on Jesus to fill us with the Holy Spirit daily, so we can live out His teaching and will for our lives!

Day 237–Jeremiah 33-35; Matthew 6

Jeremiah 33 offers us another mixture of condemnation and promise for Israel and Judah. The chapter starts with condemnation, for the unfaithfulness of the people. Yet, once again the LORD promises to restore the land and to bring the people back to both Israel and Judah. He makes an amazing declaration about the unconditional and eternal covenant He has made with the house of David: He tells us that if He breaks His covenant with the day and night, so that the day and the night do not come, so the covenant with David might be broken. He speaks once again of the righteous “Branch” that will come forth from David, and He reminds Jeremiah of His own steadfast love and faithfulness. We must always remember: No matter what we might be experiencing in the current moment, the LORD’s steadfast love and faithfulness never fail.

In Jeremiah 34, the LORD tells Jeremiah that the siege against the city of Jerusalem will result in many dying by the sword, pestilence, and famine, but King Zedekiah would be carried off by King Nebuchadnezzar into Babylon. Zedekiah would live there in peace, and ultimately when he died, the people living in exile would remember and memorialize him as they had kings before him. The chapter continues with more affirmations of the people’s defeat, and their future return to the land. The theme has been expressed and restated throughout Jeremiah’s prophecies, but each chapter has nuances that make it worth reading. Each chapter reminds us those who reject the LORD will ultimately be rejected, and those who trust the LORD will ultimately be redeemed. This is not a short-term truth, but a long-term reality.

Jeremiah 35 shows us that in every era, the LORD reserves those who live in obedience to Him. The example we find are the Rechabites. They made a vow never to drink wine, and never to build houses or plant vineyards, but to live in tents. Because of the siege of the Babylonians against all Israel and Judah, the Rechabites had been forced to move into the city of Jerusalem. The LORD told Jeremiah to go to them and offer them wine to drink, but they would not drink it. They would not break the vow they and their ancestors had made before the LORD. As a result, the LORD made this promise to them through Jeremiah, “The Rechabites will never lack a man to stand before the LORD.  Would that each of us were as the Rechabites, making commitments to the LORD that we and our children live out regardless of the test or challenge.

As we return to Matthew 6, we find ourselves in the middle of the Sermon on the Mount. The chapter contains teaching on four important matters: almsgiving, prayer, fasting, and stewarding all the LORD has entrusted to us. As Jesus taught about almsgiving, prayer, and fasting, He offered a common theme: do not practice these disciplines as a show for people to see and be impressed. Rather, practice them as to the LORD alone. When He sees that kind of faithfulness, devoted to Him, He rewards it. The prayer we call the Lord’s Prayer comes to us in this chapter. Jesus presents it and then underlines the truth of the necessity for us to forgive those who sin against us. Our forgiveness of others keeps the flow of the LORD’s forgiveness to us going. Finally, Jesus devotes a major portion of the chapter to reminding us of the importance of storing our treasure in heaven rather than on earth. In addition to this vital truth, Jesus tells us not to worry about provision for our lives, so long as we put the Kingdom of God and its righteousness first. When we do that, the LORD will provide us everything we need. The key is putting Him first!