March 22 – Day 82 – 2 Samuel 1-4; Mark 8 Day 357 – 1 Peter 1-5; Luke 16

[NOTE: For those who are continuing the 1-year Bible reading plan we started on April 1, 2018, just go to the end of this entry and you will find the Day 357 – 1 Peter 1-5; Luke 16 summary!]

Today, we turn to 2 Samuel. In the first chapter, David learns of Saul’s death. The account of Saul’s death is slightly different than we read it in 1 Samuel. An Amalekite came and told David about Saul’s death. He said he had killed Saul at Saul’s request, because Saul was mortally wounded, but hadn’t died. David responded to the report by mourning, having the Amalekite killed for killing Saul, and then pronouncing a poem of praise in memory of Saul and Jonathan. We see David’s honor once again. He didn’t gloat at the death of the man who had attempted to kill him on numerous occasions and hunted him as if he were a wild animal. Instead, he carried out justice against Saul’s “killer,” and honored the memory of Saul and Jonathan.

In 2 Samuel 2, David was anointed King of Judah, but Abner, King Saul’s body guard proclaimed Ish-Bosheth one of Saul’s son as king over the remainder of Israel. The two armies went out against each other, and twelve men were selected from each side to battle in hand-to-hand combat. With one move each man killed his opponent, so all twelve were dead. This led to more fighting and at one point, Asahel, one of three brothers who were David’s right hand men: Joab, Abishai, and Asahel, chased after Abner. Abner told him to turn aside from chasing him, but Asahel would not, so Abner killed him. Then Joab and Abishai chased after Joab. Finally, Joab called for a “cease fire,” and everyone went home. This would not be the end of the conflict, as God had Samuel anoint David as king over Israel many years before, and that anointing meant one day David would rule over the entire nation.

In 2 Samuel 3 Abner saw the LORD was with David and decided to go over to his side. David welcomed the gesture, but when Joab heard about it, he called Abner to a private meeting and killed him in retribution for killing Asahel. David made it clear to everyone that Joab had acted on his own and mourned for Abner. This pleased all the people of Israel and made David’s position as king secure. In 2 Samuel 4, two men decided to do David a “favor,” and killed Ish-Bosheth. When they brought his dead body to David, David responded by pointing out he had avenged Saul’s death, and how much more would he avenge the death of an “innocent” man. So, he had his men kill Ish-Bosheth’s murderers. As we read through these chapters, we see much killing both in the battles with foreign nations, and through infighting among the Israelites themselves. Many see this as an indication that the “God” of the Old Testament is a different God than that of the New Testament, who we see through Jesus. It is not a different God. There is only one, true God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As we have pointed out on a number of occasions, thus far, God was establishing a nation. It was to be a holy nation. While some of the killing we see was not God’s justice, and would be condemned by God, we cannot miss the truth that sometimes people died because of God’s judgment on their lives.

As we return again to Mark 8, remember this is the turning point in Mark’s gospel. It starts with the record of Jesus feeding the 4,000. Then it moves to a confrontation with the Pharisees–nothing new there. This time it was over the Pharisees wanting Jesus to show them a sign. He had just fed thousands of people with a small amount of food. What was that? Then Jesus healed a blind man. The turning point comes when Jesus asks His disciples who the crowds said He was? After they responded to that question, Jesus asked, “But who do you say I am?” That is the question, isn’t it? Who do you and I say Jesus is? Peter got the right answer and immediately after that Jesus told the disciples He was going to be handed over to the religious leaders and be crucified, but He would rise again. Peter took Jesus on over that statement. He didn’t expect the Messiah to die. His plans didn’t include it, and undoubtedly, he had grown used to Jesus’ supernatural powers and presence in his life. Jesus made it clear Peter’s plans were not from God, but from Satan. He then turned to the crowd and reminded them (and us!) of the cost of following Him. From this point forward in Mark’s Gospel, Jesus is heading toward Jerusalem and His appointment with His destiny-dying on the cross to pay the penalty for human sin and rising again to show He had conquered sin and death.

Day 357 – 1 Peter 1-5; Luke 16

Today we turn to Peter’s first letter to the Church at large. Peter wrote two letters, and each was intended to encourage, challenge and correct. Peter’s pastoral side comes out in the letters, and he wanted to encourage those who were suffering for their faith in Jesus to persevere and to expect Jesus’ rewards for their faithfulness. We see he might be coming to consider Jesus’ return as something that won’t happen as quickly as the apostles and other believers thought originally.

In 1 Peter 1, Peter tells us he was writing to those who had been dispersed because of their faith throughout the known regions of the world. He encouraged them to maintain the hope of the faith, because as those who were born again to a new hope, they were assured of their ultimate rescue through Jesus. Peter also emphasized we are called to be holy, that is set apart for God’s purposes in our lives. While our “flesh” is temporary, we can be assured of our futures, because they are tied to God’s eternal word.

In 1 Peter 2, Peter calls the people “living stones,” and just as Jesus, the true living stone, caused offense, but ultimately overcame, so will we.  Peter then moves to exhorting his readers to submit to authority. He mentions submission to the emperor and governors first and speaks of submitting even when it means suffering. Next, Peter challenges slaves to submit to their masters, even when they were treated improperly. Peter also points out there is blessing for suffering when you are doing right, but not when you suffer for doing wrong.

In 1 Peter 3, Peter continues his conversation about submitting, by telling wives to submit to their husbands. He reminds the wives their faith might be the means by which their husbands come to know the Lord. Peter tells husbands to live with their lives in and understanding way, and to treat them well. Otherwise, their prayers might not be answered.  Peter closes out the chapter by reminding his readers to be willing to suffer for doing good, and always to be ready to give an explanation for the hope they have in Jesus. He reminds them Jesus also suffered for doing right, and in so doing brought them salvation!

In 1 Peter 4, Peter reminds his readers they are stewards of God’s grace and must not misuse it. He continues to write about the importance of being willing to suffer for doing right, and to remember when we have suffered in the flesh, we are done with temptation. The chapter helps us to recognize the world will not agree with our lives when we put Jesus first, and thus, we can expect some discomfort.

In 1 Peter 5, Peter exhorts the elders, pastors and overseers, who are all one group of people, to lead the people effectively and humbly. Peter reminds all of them to live in humility and to remember the devil is roaming around like a hungry lion seeking to devour them. The good news is when we trust in the Lord and live in His will, the lion has no opportunity to devour us.

As we return to Luke 16, Jesus tells an odd parable. It is odd in the sense that Jesus affirms a “shrewd” manager who was going to be fired, who used his master’s debtors as a means of finding a new job. He did it by cutting deals with each of them, so one of them might consider hiring him, because of his efforts on cutting their debts toward his master. Jesus’ point is the people of the world are wiser in using money that we are, so we need to be wiser in this area. Jesus closes the chapter with the story of the rich man and Lazarus. Both died and the rich man, who had never helped Lazarus who was poor, or thought of anyone but himself was sent to hell, while Lazarus went to heaven. The rich man begged Abraham to send Lazarus across the chasm between heaven and hell to give him a drink.  Abraham responded it wasn’t possible. Then the man begged Abraham to send Lazarus back to warn his brothers about their need to change. Again, Abraham said it wasn’t possible. Even it was possible, Abraham pointed out the brothers had Moses and the prophets to lead them to God. If they wouldn’t respond to that truth, sending someone back from the dead wouldn’t either. What a great blessing it is we have the word of God, and the words of Jesus to instruct us about the matters of our life and salvation!

March 21 – Day 81 – 1 Samuel 29-31; Mark 7 Day 356 – James 1-5; Luke 15

[NOTE: For those who are continuing the 1-year Bible reading plan we started on April 1, 2018, just go to the end of this entry and you will find the Day 356 – James 1-5; Luke 15 summary!]

Today, we come to the end of 1 Samuel. Chapters 29-30 record the Philistine leaders’ rejection of David as a participant in their battle against Israel. While Achish believed in David’s faithfulness to him, the rest of the leaders saw the battle as the perfect opportunity for him to turn against them and regain the favor of the Israelites. So, Achish sent David and his men home.

When they returned to Ziklag, they found their wives and children had been taken and their goods stolen. The men were so angry and sad they decided to stone David. Of course, it wasn’t David’s fault, but the men needed someone to blame in their state of anguish. In that moment, we are told “David strengthened himself in the LORD.” I have always loved that verse. David didn’t make excuses. He didn’t attempt to run. He turned to the LORD for strength, and the LORD gave it. He turned to Abiathar, the priest, and asked whether they ought to pursue those who had taken their families and their possessions. The LORD responded, “Yes, go.” Eventually, they found out it had been Amalekites who took their families. They caught up with them and defeated them. As they were traveling to find the Amalekites, 200 of David’s men had become too tired to continue. They stayed behind with the baggage. When the rest returned with their families and the loot from defeating the Amalekites, the men wanted to give the 200 their families, but no share of the spoils. David vetoed that idea and established a principle that those who stayed with the baggage would receive the same share as those who fought in the battle. This is one more sign of David’s sense of fairness, and one more reason he was a great leader.

In chapter 31, King Saul and the Israelites engaged the Philistines in battle. As the apparition had predicted, Saul was defeated. As he was dying from a mortal wound from a Philistine archer, Saul told his armor bearer to kill him, so the Philistines wouldn’t have the honor of doing so. The armor bearer refused, so Saul fell on his own sword and died. Three of Saul’s sons also died in the battle and the troops of Israel scattered. When the Philistines found Saul and his sons, they cut off Saul’s head, and hung his body and the bodies of his sons on display. Some valiant men from Jabesh-Gilead went and got the bodies and burned them to end the desecration by the Philistines. 1 Samuel ends there. The Israelites are in disarray. Their king is dead. The Philistines are pre-eminent in the area. All seems gloomy. But as we will see, this is the beginning of Israel’s golden age, because now David will ascend to the throne, and their future holds great promise. Many times in the history of God’s people, and in our lives as His followers, the present moment seems hopeless. Always remember: Hopeless is not a Christian word. As long as God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit are in control of the universe hope remains.

As we return to Mark 7 once again, Jesus is in another disagreement with the Jewish religious leaders. This time they are upset Jesus’ disciples didn’t follow the rituals of ceremonial washing. Jesus reminded them and everyone that it isn’t the outside of our bodies that matters, but the inside. Our hearts determine whether we are “clean” or “unclean,” not whether there is dirt on our skin. Jesus made a big deal about this, because the Jewish culture of Israel in that day had become so focused on the external observances of the Jewish faith, rather than their relationship with the LORD. The two other aspects of the chapter demonstrate Jesus’ healing power. As we have seen throughout Mark’s gospel, while Jesus’ teaching is part of the gospel record, Mark is much more concerned with Jesus’ actions. This time He provides healing for the daughter of a Syro-Phonecian woman, which was a rare time when Jesus healed someone who wasn’t an Israelite. He also healed a deaf man, which shows us nothing in the realm of physical healing was too difficult for Him. As we face the various physical challenges that come to us, it is always good to remember to turn to Jesus first. There’s nothing wrong with turning to medicine or other medical solutions, but remember Jesus is the Great Physician, and He cares for our needs.

Day 356 – James 1-5; Luke 15

Today we turn to the Book of James. James was the half-brother of Jesus. Many have pointed out James becoming a believer and follower of Jesus is strong evidence of the resurrection. After all, when Jesus was living, James and Jesus’ other brothers didn’t believe He was the Messiah. To be honest, if any of my brothers were ever to convince me they were the Messiah, they would have to rise from the dead, too! Anyway, James wrote his letter to challenge the believers who were scattered because of the persecution of the church in his time. The book is practical and focused on the good works we must do as Jesus’ followers. The heavy emphasis on works, even caused Martin Luther, the great German reformer to call it an epistle of straw. He emphasized the grace of Jesus much more strongly than the works we do, but James offers a helpful reminder that faith without works is dead. We aren’t saved by our works, but salvation always issues in good works.

In James 1, James reminds us when trials come our way, we ought to consider it “joy,” because the testing of our faith refines it. James also reminds us God is always ready to give us wisdom, and He is the author of every good gift we receive in life. James reminds us how important it is to have faith when we pray and not to be “double-minded.” James concludes the chapter by reminding us true and genuine religion before the Lord consists of caring for widows and orphans in their distress and keeping ourselves unstained from the world.

James 2 offers us to clear admonitions: the first is not to show partiality to believers. James reminds us it is often those who are wealthy who tend to subject us under themselves.  The second admonition is to remember faith without works is dead. James reminds us that Abraham’s faith was reckoned because he “believed” God, which James saw as an action. He also uses Rahab as an example of righteous action when she saved the Israelite spies during the period of the Judges. We need to remember our faith willissue in action when it is genuine faith.

James 3 offers an admonition that not many of us ought to be teachers, because we’ll be held to a higher standard. It also reminds us of the importance of reigning in the tongue, which is a difficult challenge for us all. It also reminds us we all need the wisdom from above that is the only solution to all the challenges our sinful natures bring us.

James 4 offers warnings against worldliness, and James acknowledges the challenges of worldliness originate with the devil. He offers us the solution to the devil’s work in our lives: humble ourselves, draw near to the Lord and resist the devil. When we take these actions the devil will flee from us. Notice, we must humble ourselves. That is key. Humility is not natural to fallen human beings, but when we humble ourselves and draw near to God, when we live in the power of the Holy Spirit, our lives are transformed and the devil runs away. James also reminds us not to boast about what we are going to do, but when we make our plans to say, “If the Lord wills…” Boasting comes from the devil, but when we start our plans with the Lord’s will, we do well.

James 5 offers admonitions to the rich not to abuse their wealth or how they use it with people. James reminds us all to be patient in suffering, which is such a vital reminder for us, because we live in a world that wants to medicate all suffering out of our lives, or avoid it at all costs. Sometimes suffering comes to us when we obey God, because the world isn’t in favor of God’s ways. The chapter and the book close with some powerful reminders about the importance and effectiveness of prayer. James tells us prayer can bring physical healing as well as wholeness from our sins when we confess the to one another. James closes out the book by reminding us Elijah was a man like us, but his prayers changed the world of his day.

As we return to Luke 15, we return to Jesus’ telling of three powerful parables that let the tax collectors and other “sinners” realize how much God loves them and wants them to be “found.” Jesus told parables about a lost sheep, a lost coin, and two lost suns. In each the point is God is looking for us and waiting for us and won’t stop looking or waiting as long as we have breath. The celebration in heaven is great when we are found. I have always loved these three stories, because of how they demonstrate the depth of God’s love for us and His desire for us to be with Him. 

March 20 – Day 80 – 1 Samuel 26-28; Mark 6 Day 355 – Hebrews 12-13; Luke 14

[NOTE: For those who are continuing the 1-year Bible reading plan we started on April 1, 2018, just go to the end of this entry and you will find the Day 355 – Hebrews 12-13; Luke 14 summary!]

In 1 Samuel 26, God again delivers King Saul into David’s hands, and once again David spares Saul’s life. This time the LORD caused a supernatural sleep to fall on Saul and his entire army, which allowed David and Abishai to go into the camp. They took Saul’s spear and water jug, then went some distance away and called out to Abner, Saul’s body guard. When Saul realized David had once again spared his life, he told David he wouldn’t search for him again and pronounced a blessing on David’s life. While Saul caused most of his own problems (don’t we all most of the time?), he went back and forth between doing the right thing, and letting his selfishness cause him to listen to bad advice, and to be jealous of David, who would have gladly given his life for Saul.  If we learn anything from these incidents, we ought to learn to trust those whose relationship with us is based on their relationship with God first-and-foremost.  In the same way, we need to learn to live out our relationships with others through the Holy Spirit. That way, we won’t be led by our selfish desires or swayed by the opinions of those who are being swayed by their own selfishness or the world’s thinking.

1 Samuel 27 records David’s plan for escaping from the fickle Saul, who had promised not to pursue him any longer, but in David’s mind could not be trusted. David and his men moved to Gath in the land of the Philistines. He made an agreement to serve King Achish, so Achish gave him and his men the town of Ziklag. David and his men would go out to the surrounding towns of the Girzites and the Amalekites and attack. He would kill every person and bring the spoils back, giving some to Achish. But David told Achish he was attacking towns in Judah. In this way, David gained the confidence of Achish, while not destroying his ability to return to Judah one day, when Saul died or lost power in Israel. When we look at the plan, filled with deception as it was, we can’t say it was God’s will that David do this. Yet, ultimately it provided David the opportunity to become King of Israel, as God had promised David he would be.  God didn’t make David sin or do what was deceptive. That’s so important for us to understand. But eventually God used the flawed David, because all he has are “flawsome” (flawed + awesome) not “awesome” people.

In 1 Samuel 28, we see Saul’s desperation, as he seeks a witch’s help in conjuring up Samuel, who has been dead for some time. Saul faced another battle with the Philistines, and he wanted to know what the outcome would be. Saul had outlawed witches, but he tricked the witch of Endor to help him by dressing in disguise. Much debate has taken place over who or what the witch conjured up for Saul. It wasn’t Samuel, but could have been a “familiar spirit,” or other demonic being. In any case, Saul received the worst possible news–the Israelites would lose the battle and Saul would die. Meanwhile, at the beginning of the chapter King Achish had told David he and his men would be fighting for the Philistines against Israel in the impending battle. David said he would be loyal to Achish, but as we’ll see God would intervene once again, so David would not have to fight against his own people. While each of us has freedom to exercise our wills in our daily lives, to make choices, decisions and commitments that impact our presents and our futures, nothing takes place outside of God’s knowledge or sovereignty. He doesn’t dictate our lives, but He directs them.

As we return to Mark 6, we’re reminded once again that Jesus was not only rejected by the Jewish religious leaders. He was also rejected by the people in His hometown. He couldn’t do many miracles there, because of the people’s lack of faith. As we seek to live and serve among our family members, we might find at times that we, too, are rejected by those closest to us. The first time I preached a sermon as an ordained minister, my Mom was at the service. When it was over, she said to me, “When I saw you up there, wearing your robe (at the time the church I served had the pastors wear black robes) and preaching, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. What she meant was she remembered all the times in my life when I had done bad things, foolish things, silly things. She was, after all, the one who brought me into the world. Holding all that in her mind, it was hard for her to see me as a “preacher.” At the same time, she knew how God had worked in my life. That allowed her to receive the message, and me as a preacher, even though she knew all my flaws.  We will help those closest to us, when they struggle with whether to accept our authority from a faith perspective, if we let the Holy Spirit lead more and more, day by day, so they see more of Jesus living through us.

Day 355 – Hebrews 12-13; Luke 14

In Hebrews 12, the author reminds us to imitate Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. He also reminds us, because God loves us He corrects us. Only illegitimate children aren’t corrected for doing wrong. He challenges us not to refuse God and His purposes for our lives.

Hebrews 13 offers closing exhortations. This is somewhat of a “laundry list” of commands. It includes the command to be hospitable, to remember those in prison, to honor marriage, to remember Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us. It also takes the time to remind the people to honor their leaders, and to submit to them, because they watch over the people as those who must give an account to Jesus one day. This is a solemn reminder we are an army and not just a family. God has called us to go throughout the world in Jesus’ name and present the gospel to everyone. This requires leadership and “followership.” As we respect both responsibilities the gospel advances, and God’s Kingdom grows.

As we return to Luke 14, Jesus once again heals a man on the Sabbath. Next, He tells several parables. The first focuses on not taking the seat of honor when you attend a wedding or celebration, but to wait and let the host seat you. It’s a way of saying, “Be humble.” The next parable tells of a wedding feast to which the invited guests would not attend. The master simply invited others to come, because the feast symbolizes His Kingdom, and He will have it be full.  Jesus follows this up with some comments about the cost of following Him, and the importance of counting the cost before we embark on the journey! The chapter closes with Jesus reminding us the importance of continuing to maintain our “flavor,” as the “salt of the earth,” which He calls us to be. 

March 19 – Day 79 – 1 Samuel 22-25; Mark 5 Day 354 – Hebrews 9-11; Luke 13

[NOTE: For those who are continuing the 1-year Bible reading plan we started on April 1, 2018, just go to the end of this entry and you will find the Day 354 – Hebrews 9-11; Luke 13 summary!]

In 1 Samuel 22, we see the lengths to which King Saul was willing to go to find and kill David. Doeg the Edomite, who we read about in a previous chapter, told Saul that Ahimelech the priest had helped David. Saul called for Ahimelech and his extended priestly family. When they came, Saul examined Ahimelech, and he offered a reasonable explanation for helping David: David was Saul’s greatest soldier, and he had helped him many times before. Saul wouldn’t listen to reason. He told his men to slaughter all the priests. They would not, so Doeg did it. He killed eighty-five priests that day, and only one of Ahimelech’s sons, Abiathar, escaped. He went to David, and David promised to protect him, because as Saul was searching for Abiathar, so he was searching for David.

In Chapter 23, David saved the city of Keilah, and yet they would have been willing to turn him and his men, who now numbered 600, over to Saul, so they fled. David continued to flee from Saul, and people told Saul where David was. When Saul was getting close to capturing David, he received news the Philistines were attacking so he had to break off his efforts and go to battle. This is a clear case of God providing a way out for David.

In Chapter 24, David had the opportunity to kill Saul. While Saul was searching for David, he went into a cave to “relieve himself.” David and his men were in that very cave. His men told David God had delivered Saul to him, so he could kill Saul and become king.  David went for the idea for a moment, but we see David’s true character, because as he went up behind Saul and cut off a portion of his robe, he was convicted that it wasn’t his place to kill “the Lord’s anointed.” He let Saul go. Only afterward did he go out and let Saul know he had the opportunity to kill him. Saul admitted to David that David was a better man than he.

In Chapter 25, the account changes from Saul chasing David, to David moving to the area of Maon. There he and His men protected the flocks of a man named Nabal. It wasn’t an official agreement, but when the time for sheep-shearing came, David and his men sent a message to Nabal, that he ought to pay them something for the protection they had provided his sheep and shepherds. Nabal dismissed the request, which angered David and he determined to destroy Nabal. Abigail, Nabal’s wife, heard of David’s plan to come against her husband, and took matters into her own hands. She prepared a great deal of food, took it to David, and convinced him that to kill Nabal would leave a mark on his record and conscience that would be difficult to defend when he became king. David realized Abigail was right, so he agreed not to harm Nabal or his family. When Abigail went home and told Nabal what she had done, he went ballistic. This resulted in his having a stroke, from which he died ten days later. David saw this as God’s vindication of his actions. After the time of mourning was over for her husband, Abigail became David’s wife. This account shows us how the LORD intervened in tangible ways in David’s life. It also shows us sometimes total strangers become God’s instruments in keeping us on his path. Abigail’s intervention in David’s life kept him from making a fifteen-minute decision that would have haunted him the rest of his life. It also worked out well for Abigail.

As we return to Mark 5, we come again to one of my favorite sequences in Jesus’ life and ministry. First, He met “Legion,” a man possessed by 2,000 demons. (The number comes from the number of pigs that ran down the bank and killed themselves, after Jesus cast the demons out of Legion.) The interaction between Jesus and Legion is nothing short of incredible. While no one was able to bind the man, and no one wanted to be near the man, Jesus reached out and cast the demons out of him and brought him back to himself. Legion’s gratitude was so great he asked Jesus if He could follow along with Him. Instead, Jesus told him to go home and tell everyone what God had done for him. We’re told Legion did just that. Everywhere he went, his story, along with the redeemed life that accompanied it amazed the people he encountered.

After His meeting with Legion, Jesus was approached by a synagogue ruler named Jairus. We know he was desperate in coming to Jesus, because so many of the religious leaders had already condemned Jesus. But Jairus’ daughter was dying. He didn’t care about the religious leaders, or his own standing. He cared about his daughter. Jesus agreed to go see her, but as He was walking someone in the crowd, which was pressing against Him, touched His robe. Through that simple act, Jesus felt healing power go out from His body. Even though He didn’t know who had touched Him, He knew someone did, so He asked, “Who touched me?” The disciples thought Jesus was being a little ridiculous. After all, the crowd was pressing in on Him from every side. Jesus persisted. Finally, a woman admitted she had touched Jesus’ robe, because she knew if she did, she would be healed. Jesus called the woman, “Daughter” and told her that her faith had healed her. This is the only time in any of the gospels Jesus called anyone daughter, so this was a powerful affirmation of the woman. She had broken the law in touching Jesus, but Jesus said in effect, “I’m glad you did what you did, because now you are set free!”

As Jesus finished up with the woman, some folks came from Jairus’ house and told Jairus his daughter had died, so it didn’t make sense to bother the teacher further. Jesus told Jairus’ to believe. Then he went to their home and found the girl dead. He took her by the hand and said, “Little girl, I say to you get up.” She did! This sequence shows us Jesus put others’ needs before His own. It shows He is Lord of the spirit and the body, and of life and death. It shows us we do well when we put Him first in our lives!

Day 354 – Hebrews 9-11; Luke 13

In Hebrews 9, the author points out how the earthly Tabernacle was ordered by God and is a type of the heavenly model. Just as it took the blood of bull and lambs to sanctify the people and the Tabernacle, the once and for all sacrifice of Jesus’ blood sanctifies the heavenly Tabernacle. The chapter makes clear that the forgiveness of sins comes only through the shedding of blood. It also states with the blood of animals the sacrifices had to be presented over-and-over again, but Jesus’ death was once-for-all, just as we die once and then face the judgment.

In Hebrews 10, the author underlines Jesus’ once-for-all sacrifice and continues to emphasize the difference between the Mosaic sacrificial system, which could not produce enduring forgiveness, and Jesus’ sacrifice, which does. He goes on to write about the importance of encouraging and exhorting one another to love and good works, as well as to continue meeting together for worship and fellowship. While we might think the tendency to avoid gathering as Christians with one another for worship and fellowship is a rather recent development, we are assured folks were already doing so not more than thirty years after Jesus’ death and resurrection.

In Hebrews 11, which is often called the faith chapter, faith is defined as the assurance of things hoped for, and the convictions of things not seen. Then we receive an extended list of names of heroes and heroines of the faith starting with Adam and Eve’s son, Abel, and continuing all through the Old Testament era, and up until what was the current time when the letter was written.  Men and women of faith were willing to give up worldly comforts to experience God’s favor and ultimate blessing. We’re told the world was not worthy of such people, and yet most of them never experienced what those living after the time of Jesus experienced: Salvation in Jesus’ name. How important it is for us to remember the value of that salvation, and that faith in Jesus is of greater value than any worldly possession.

As we return to Luke 13, Jesus reminds the crowds how important repentance is, and that when bad things happen in life, they aren’t always a sign of God’s judgment. Jesus then told the parable of the barren fig tree to point out how important it is for us to “bear fruit” as His followers. Jesus healed a woman who had been “bound” by disease for eighteen years, but the religious leaders were upset, because He healed her on the Sabbath. Jesus then told a couple of parables about the Kingdom of God. The first reminded us of how the Kingdom works as leaven works in a lump of dough, and the second of the narrow door and way that leads to the Kingdom. Finally, Jesus lamented over Jerusalem, because He knew His time on the earth was short, and that He would die their because of the people’s lack of faith and repentance.

March 18 – Day 78 – 1 Samuel 18-21; Mark 4 Day 353 – Hebrews 5-8; Luke 12

[NOTE: For those who are continuing the 1-year Bible reading plan we started on April 1, 2018, just go to the end of this entry and you will find the Day 353 – Hebrews 5-8; Luke 12 summary!]

1 Samuel 18 records the beginning of King Saul’s official “fear” of David. The people of Israel recognized God was with David and gave him greater acclamation for his victories in battle than they gave Saul. Saul became both jealous and fearful of David. That is never a good combination. As we read through the chapter, we find several times the actions of David–all positive actions in service to King Saul–resulted in Saul fearing David more and more.

We also read in this chapter of Jonathan’s friendship with David. In our current culture, many in the LGBTQ culture grab onto this relationship, seeing it as a biblical example of a homosexual relationship. Nothing could be farther from the truth. One of the saddest distortions in the current discussions about sexuality is all same-sex relationships are immediately seen as sexual. I have had the same accountability partner for more than twenty-five years. I have shared thoughts, feelings and experiences with him over the years, I have not shared with anyone else. What do you call that? You call it a healthy accountability relationship–“iron sharpening iron” as King Solomon called it in the Book of Proverbs. In any case, Jonathan’s love for David was so great he yielded his right to follow his father as king. He does it symbolically in this chapter, and will do it in fact, later in this book. Such friendship is rare and is a great blessing when we experience it.

1 Samuel 19-20 offers us a couple of examples of how much Jonathan sided with David, and how committed King Saul was to kill David. While Jonathan promised David that his father intended him no harm, David was sure Saul wanted to end his life. Saul set a trap for David at his house, but Michal, Saul’s daughter and David’s wife saved him. We see Saul’s family was on board with David becoming the king, but Saul’s desire to be the king and to pass the monarchy to his son, blinded him to God’s plan for Israel’s future. While Saul is an extreme example of what happens when we put our plans before the LORD’s plans, we are all tempted daily to seek first our will rather than God’s Kingdom and righteousness. Let’s remember Saul’s radical disobedience to following God’s will and commit ourselves to the path of obedience to the LORD!

In 1 Samuel 21, David escapes from serving Saul. He goes to Ahimelech the priest and asks for food for him and his men. (David’s men were those assigned to him by Saul, yet they were loyal to David, which tells us again the difference between David and Saul. David was a man of valor and character, who was worthy of being followed. Saul was neither.) While Ahimelech told David he only had bread for the priests, he also told David he could have it if his men were ceremonially clean. They were. David received the food and Goliath’s sword which had been stored there. David noticed one of Saul’s servants was there: Doeg the Edomite. (This will play an important role in the near future, so keep it in mind.) Finally, David decided to go to the Philistines to serve them. At least there, he would be free from Saul. The problem was the Philistines knew David was a nemesis to them, so David pretended to be insane, so the king of Gath wouldn’t kill him. The plan worked, and David was safe…for the moment.

As we return to Mark 4, we read the first section with extended teaching from Jesus. We read The Parable of the Sower and its interpretation, The Parable of the Lamp on the Stand, The Parable of the Growing Seed, and the Parable of the Mustard Seed. In each of the parables Jesus was illustrating what the Kingdom of God was “like.” It is impossible for us to understand fully what the Kingdom of God is like until we experience it in its fullness, but Jesus’ parable helps us to see it is not ordinary, and it is not what we would expect. We also see it is bigger and more than we would expect. Mark closes the chapter with the record of Jesus calming a storm, which saved the disciples from drowning, because they were on a boat during the storm. After the act, Jesus asked the disciples why they had such little faith? Their response was terror, because they had never experienced power and authority as Jesus demonstrated it. This time the object of Jesus’ power and authority was nature itself. Let’s remember whatever we face in life, Jesus has the power and authority to get us through it!

Day 353 – Hebrews 5-8; Luke 12

In Hebrews 5, the author contrasts every other human high priest with Jesus. Each of them were weak and had to offer sacrifices for their own sins before offering sacrifices for the rest. Jesus needed to make no such sacrifice. We’re told Jesus learned His obedience through suffering. No one ever suffered as much as we have, and at each point He relied on His heavenly Father to bring Him through it. The chapter closes with a reminder not to fall away. We are told the readers are still “infants,” although by this time they ought to be mature.

As we move to Hebrews 6, the author tells his readers to move on from the “elementary teachings/principles” of our faith. He lists six: 1) repentance from sin; 2) faith in God; 3) instructions about baptisms; 4) the laying on of hands; 5) the resurrection of the dead; and 6) eternal judgment.  As we look at the six, two of them might surprise us a bit: instructions about baptisms (plural) and laying on of hands.  The other four are definitely elementary and fundamental teachings/principles of our faith.  These two are as well, because they establish the importance of baptism in water and baptism in the Holy Spirit, and the laying on of hands reminds us of the importance of this practice both when it comes to recognizing or commissioning leaders, and when we pray for others for healing. That they are included in the “elementary” aspects of our faith, shows us both they are building blocks for the deeper aspects, and we must continue to teach and live them as we mature.  The words that follow these elementary teachings have caused much discussion and dissension. Those being that it is impossible for those who have received the word and fallen away to be restored. While they are true at some level, because they are part of scripture, most of the New Testament teaches about second chances. Peter comes to mind. He followed Jesus for three years and fell away in Jesus’ time of greatest need. When Jesus rose from the dead, He restored Peter. The truth of these words is we must do all we can to maintain our relationship with God and live in the power of the Holy Spirit, because “backsliding” leads to our ruin. The remainder of the chapter speaks of God’s faithfulness and introduces us to Melchizedek, who will be the focus of Hebrews 7.

In Hebrews 7, Jesus is compared to Melchizedek, who was greater than Abraham. The reasoning for Melchizedek being greater than Abraham is Abraham paid a tithe of the spoils of war to Melchizedek, and the lesser pays homage to the greater. The further point is made that Jesus is a priest in the order of Melchizedek, because He was of the line of Judah and not the line of Levi. At the end of the day, we see again Jesus is supreme over any other earthly priest, because He is both human and God’s son.

In Hebrews 8, the author summarizes everything he has written about Jesus as the high priest, and then emphasizes He is also the high priest of the new covenant. God had predicted the coming of a new covenant through the prophet Jeremiah, whom he quotes in this chapter. Now the new covenant has come and it is as superior over the old covenant as Jesus is superior over the former high priests.

As we return to Luke 12, we could sum it up in two words: be ready! Jesus focuses on the need to be ready to stand up for Him in the current age, and not to fear what others might do to us. He tells the disciples of the coming challenges, but He also offers promises of blessing to those who are found ready when their “Master” comes. As we read through the chapter, we see Jesus moves from topic to topic, but the common theme is readiness. Be ready!

March 17 – Day 77 – 1 Samuel 15-17; Mark 13 Day 352 – Hebrews 1-4; Luke 11

[NOTE: For those who are continuing the 1-year Bible reading plan we started on April 1, 2018, just go to the end of this entry and you will find the Day 352 – Hebrews 1-4; Luke 11 summary!]

In 1 Samuel 15, King Saul makes his “final” mistake as King of Israel. I put “final” in quotes, because Saul would remain king over Israel for decades and would make many more mistakes and commit many more sins, but when he failed to carry out the LORD’s commands in his battle against the Amalekites, God determined to take the throne from Saul and his descendants.  The clear message of 1 Samuel 15 is God prefers obedience more than sacrifice or more than anything else. One of my mentors, Dr. Dale Milligan said, “To love God is to trust Him enough to obey Him.” That quote helped me see obedience to God is not merely a religious requirement–although it can be that. Obedience to God is an act of love. When I trust God enough to do what He says, regardless of what it is, then He knows I love Him. And I know I love Him. The next time the LORD sets a challenge before us, may we trust Him enough to obey Him, and thus show him our love!

We could title 1 Samuel 16: Moving On! The LORD commanded Samuel to anoint one of Jesse’s sons as the new king of Israel. In doing so, Samuel shows us even a powerful prophet of God can rely on his own understanding, instead of the Holy Spirit and the LORD when carrying out the LORD’s work. Jesse had many sons, so Samuel asked Jesse to have them come before him. Samuel chose the oldest, who was also the tallest and most “king-like” in stature. (Saul had been a head taller than anyone in Israel and look how that ended up!) As son after son came before Samuel, none of them measured up to God’s standard. Finally, Jesse sent for the youngest, David, who was out in the field watching the sheep. Jesse hadn’t even thought to include David in the list of candidates for king, but the LORD selected him immediately. The Holy Spirit came into David’s life when Samuel anointed him and remained with him throughout his life.

In the remainder of the chapter, David ends up being called to serve King Saul as a “music therapist.” The Holy Spirit was replaced in Saul’s life with an evil spirit, and when he would be depressed or violent, he would call for David to come and play the harp, which would sooth him. Ironic, that the newly anointed king of Israel, would become a servant to the reigning king. Then again, the best way to learn to lead in the Kingdom of God is to learn to serve. Jesus told us He did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.

1 Samuel 17 offers us what may be the most familiar account of the Old Testament to many: the battle between David and Goliath. The salient points of the chapter are: 1) Goliath, a champion of the Philistines challenges the Israelites to send out one man against him in battle. The winner of the battle wins the “war” for his side, and the other side will capitulate in defeat and become servants of the winner. For forty days Goliath went out every day and stood before the Israelite army, and for forty days no one was willing to take on Goliath. Then Jesse sent David to bring supplies for two of his brothers who were serving in the army and for the king. 2) When David heard the challenge from Goliath, he was incensed that a pagan would challenge the armies of God and saw it as a battle between the LORD and the pagan gods of the Philistines. 3) David offers to take on Goliath with only a sling and five smooth stones.  4) In desperation, King Saul agrees. 5) David takes on Goliath and Goliath never stood a chance.  6) David’s victory brings him fame and favor among the people of Israel. It will also create a tremendous jealousy in King Saul, who will be at odds with David until the day Saul dies.

In Mark 3, we read once again of Jesus’ healing a man on the Sabbath. That simple act of love and power resulted in the Pharisees joining forces with the Herodians, fellow Jews who collaborated with Herod. Ordinarily these men would not have stood in the same room with each other, but because of their common interest in getting rid of Jesus before He caused so much of an uproar among the people that it caught the Romans’ attention, they joined forces in determining how to kill Him. While Mark’s Gospel is 16 chapters long, we find it took only until the third chapter for the beginning of the end to come for Jesus, in terms of the plot to kill Him being developed. In our lives, we must be certain we don’t unwittingly take the same approach as the Pharisees and the Herodians, which means we must make certain we don’t put what is good for us or what is expedient in front of putting Jesus first in all areas of our lives.

Day 352 – Hebrews 1-4; Luke 11

Today we move to the letter to the Hebrews.  We don’t know who authored this book. While many believe it was the Apostle Paul, the letter doesn’t contain his name at the beginning or the end. The topics also don’t align with Paul’s common teaching material in that they focus a great deal on the Jewish heritage of our faith. Some consider it to be a book of history, because it contains so much reference to the Jewish Scriptures and particularly to aspects of the Law of Moses. Jesus is considered the greatest priest, who unlike all the other priests in Israel’s history did not need to offer a sacrifice for his own sin, before becoming the once and for all sacrifice for us.

In Hebrews 1, the author introduces us to the reality that while God spoke to us through prophets in previous times, in these times He has spoken to us through His Son. This Son is not only superior to the prophets, but also superior to the angels!

In Hebrews 2, we are told of the amazing truth that because of what Jesus has done, we are His “brothers” (and sisters). We get to be part of God’s family, because Jesus died in our place and paid the penalty for our sin. We also read Jesus was tempted in His body, so we know we can resist when we are tempted, too.

In Hebrews 3, we are told Jesus is greater than Moses. Moses is compared to the “house,” and Jesus is the “builder.” The builder is greater than the house. Consider Moses was seen as the greatest prophet in the Old Testament, and Jesus is greater.  The author of Hebrews is building the case for Jesus’ sufficiency to serve as our prophet, priest and king once and for all.

In Hebrews 4, the author speaks of our Sabbath rest, which is purchased by Jesus. Then we have the amazing and often quoted words about God’s word being sharper than any two-edged sword, which reminds us of why we must read, learn and live it in the power of the Holy Spirit. At the close of the chapter we’re told Jesus is our great high priest. This is the point of the book of Hebrews: we have a new and eternal high priest in Jesus.

As we return to Luke 11, the disciples ask Jesus to teach them to pray, and He offers what we call “The Lord’s Prayer.” Some of have said it would better be called “The Disciples’ Prayer,” because Jesus told them to pray it. In reality, Jesus wasn’t telling them to pray those specific words, but to incorporate the aspects of the prayer in their prayers. That doesn’t mean we ought not pray it, but we must always remember prayer is an opportunity to listen to God’s voice as well as to offer words to Him. Jesus then offered them an example about the importance of persistence in prayer. Jesus then went on to respond to those who said He cast out demons by the power of the devil. He condemned such thinking in the strongest possible way.  Jesus offered a brief parable about the importance of not simply having a demon cast out of our lives and leaving ourselves “empty.” The implication is we must replace the emptiness with the Holy Spirit. Jesus avoided receiving the accolades for Himself or His mother when someone in the crowd shouted that His mother was blessed. Jesus responded anyone who does God’s will is blessed.  Jesus then proceeded to condemn the Pharisees for their lack of doing what they taught. Jesus often made this distinction when condemning the Pharisees. They were hypocrites, because they knew the truth, but didn’t practice it. We want to make certain the “hypocrisy factor,” which is the difference between what we profess to believe and how we live decreases daily as we live into the new life of Jesus in the Holy Spirit’s power!

March 16 – Day 76 – 1 Samuel 12-14; Mark 2 Day 351 – Philemon; Luke 10

[NOTE: For those who are continuing the 1-year Bible reading plan we started on April 1, 2018, just go to the end of this entry and you will find the Day 351 – Philemon; Luke 10 summary!]

1 Samuel 12 presents us with Samuel’s farewell speech to the people of Israel. The speech contains three main points: 1) I have been faithful and cheated no one; 2) you have forgotten the LORD’s leadership, which has been with you since you were slaves in Egypt by choosing a king; and 3) Nevertheless, if you are obedient to the LORD and the king, God will continue to be with you. Samuel concluded his speech with a miraculous demonstration of the LORD’s power by calling for rain in the dry season. The rain came.

The people recognized that in points two and three they had turned against the LORD’s will and purpose, and they said as much to Samuel. Samuel reminded them again the LORD would be with them, as long as they demonstrated obedience, and Samuel promised to pray for them. In our lives, God’s presence is not contingent on our obedience, but our obedience brings blessing. We’ve seen that principle demonstrated over and over again in the Old Testament, and the clearest statement of it in the New Testament comes from Jesus’ own words in John 13 where He told the disciples if they knew His commandments, they would be blessed if they did them (or obeyed them.) As fallen people, even redeemed fallen people, we have a “bent” toward sin, toward disobedience. Thankfully, in the power of the Holy Spirit, we can bend the other way, back to God and His will for our lives. The key is not only to be able to do that, but to do it!

1 Samuel 13-14 offers us the beginning of the end for King Saul’s reign over Israel. Even though we’re told Saul reigned over Israel forty-two years, nearly from the outset the reign was condemned, because of Saul’s disobedience to the commands of the LORD. The first example comes in 1 Samuel 13, when Saul took the work of a priest into his hands, because Samuel didn’t show up “in time” to offer a sacrifice before the Israelites went to battle against the Ammonites. Samuel had said he would come at an appointed time, but Saul grew impatient, because Samuel didn’t come. He offered the sacrifice. As a result, when Samuel showed up shortly afterwards, Samuel told Saul the kingdom would be taken from him. Saul made excuses, but it was too late. The future had been established, and Saul’s family would not reign over Israel for more than one generation.

That didn’t mean Saul’s son, Jonathan, wouldn’t have an impact on Israel. Indeed, as we see in the remainder of chapter 13-14, Jonathan was a brave man, who led a charge against the Philistines that resulted in a major victory for Israel. The problem was King Saul had hamstrung Israel’s soldiers by telling them they couldn’t eat anything before nightfall. Fighting takes energy and the soldiers became weaker as the day moved forward. Jonathan hadn’t heard the command and ate some wild honey that was all over the land where the battle took place. He was strengthened by it, but when the battle was over, Saul knew someone had disobeyed him. Through a process of discernment, it was determined Jonathan was the one who had eaten the honey. Saul was determined to kill Jonathan on the spot. The will of the army prevailed, though, and Jonathan’s life was spared. In these two chapters we see many reasons why Saul was eliminated as the leader of Israel. Again, it would take forty-two years, before God replaced him, and much more negative leadership would come forth from Saul, but we learn in these two chapters, or I should say, we are reminded once again: obedience is the key to blessing when it comes to matters of the LORD.

As we return to Mark 2, the two main events that took place were the healing of the paralytic and the calling of Levi. Both involved the Pharisees being outraged at Jesus, because He claimed the ability to forgive sins, and He associated with sinners. Jesus’ actions show us we must follow God’s will and purpose, even if “good” people tell us we are in the wrong. Jesus’ unswerving commitment to overcome sin, sickness, and the works of the devil brought Him into conflict with those in the religious establishment, who were more concerned with maintaining an appearance of good, than with overcoming evil. We must never confuse the two as we serve Jesus!

Day 351 – Philemon; Luke 10

Today we turn to the Apostle Paul’s brief letter to Philemon. It contains only one chapter and amounts to Paul’s personal appeal for Philemon to receive a runaway slave named Onesimus back without punishment. Onesimus had become a believer while with Paul and had done great good for Paul. Now, Paul was requesting Philemon’s good treatment. Paul mentioned that Philemon owed Paul his very soul, but stated he wasn’t relying on that, but rather on Philemon’s character as a believer. This brief letter reminds us each of us can have an impact if only on one other person, and the key is to concern ourselves first and foremost with Jesus’ will rather than our own personal benefit.

As we return to Luke 10, we see Jesus expanding His ministry through others as He sends out the 70 or 72 additional followers to preach, teach, heal and deliver people. The work was successful, and the crew came back rejoicing. In the charge to the team, Jesus offered a condemnation of several Galilean cities that had rejected His ministry. The second major event in Luke 10 took place when a teacher of the Law asked Jesus what was the greatest commandment in the Law of Moses? Jesus asked the teacher what he thought? The teacher offered responded to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, strength and mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus affirmed the response. We’re told at this point the teacher wanted to “justify” himself, so he asked, “And who is my neighbor?” Jesus responded with a parable about two upstanding members of Jewish society who had the opportunity to help a man who had been beaten by robbers and left for dead. They didn’t help. Then along came a Samaritan, a man considered a half-breed, and hated by Jesus’ Jewish audience, who helped the man, dressed his wounds, and took him to an inn to receive further treatment. Jesus asked which proved to be neighbor to the man in need. As much as it must have pained the teacher to say it, he responded it was the man who helped the man in need. Jesus said, “That’s right. You go and do the same. The chapter closes with Jesus interacting with Mary and Martha, two close friends, whose brother, Lazarus, Jesus raises from the dead in John 11. The interaction shows us that sometimes “being” is more important than “doing.” Martha was frustrated, because Mary sat at Jesus’ feet, while Martha prepared dinner. When she complained to Jesus, Jesus took Mary’s side, and told Martha she was worried and troubled about so many things, but only one thing was necessary.  What is the one thing? A relationship with Jesus!

March 15 – Day 75 – 1 Samuel 8-11; Mark 1 Day 350 – Titus 1-3; Luke 9

[NOTE: For those who are continuing the 1-year Bible reading plan we started on April 1, 2018, just go to the end of this entry and you will find the Day 350 – Titus 1-3; Luke 9 summary!]

1 Samuel 8 marks a major turning point in Israel’s history. Samuel was a great judge and prophet over Israel, but his sons weren’t like him. They were dishonest and greedy. The people came to Samuel and asked him to appoint a king over them, so they would be like the other nations that surrounded them. When Samuel took the matter to the LORD, Samuel was upset. He knew the people ought to serve the LORD who was their true king. The LORD told Samuel to do as they asked, because they weren’t rejecting Samuel–They were rejecting the LORD. Samuel warned the people of the burdens a king would place on them, but they wanted to be like everyone else, so Samuel agreed to give them a king. Before we move to chapter 9, let’s think about this for a minute. How many times have we wanted something that we saw someone else had? We had to have it, because it seemed like a good thing for a friend, or a neighbor, or even a stranger. Add to that all the advertising that flashes in front of our eyes and rings in our ears. We fear missing out or being the last one to have the latest gadget. Times change, but people all too often don’t. It’s important for us to recognize ourselves in the accounts we read from 1 Samuel, because while we might never ask for a king, we have often asked for something we see someone else has that we don’t.

1 Samuel 9-11 records the implementation of the people’s request for a king. The LORD chose Saul, a Benjamite, to be the first king. If we remember back to the Book of Judges and what the Benjamites did, and how they were nearly wiped out as a tribe, we see again God doesn’t hold a grudge. The account of Saul’s selection, anointing and becoming king, is filled with interesting twists and turns that show us God works in the lives of people. His Spirit can change us drastically. If you have read the Bible before, you know Saul’s faithfulness to the LORD is short-lived, and his reign as king will be marred with disobedience, and desperation. But it started off well. Even with such a brief sampling, we can see an important truth: Just because the LORD selects a person to serve Him, doesn’t mean the person will remain true to God’s course and purpose. As we read through the next days in 1 Samuel, let’s keep our eyes open for the aspects of Saul’s life that led to his downfall, and be warned to avoid such actions in our own lives.

Today, we return to the Gospel of Mark for a third time. Over these next sixteen days, we will read Mark’s presentation of Jesus’ life, ministry, teaching, death, and resurrection again. If you’re wondering why we don’t move on to Matthew or Luke, because we’ve already read Mark and John twice, the short answer is: Repetition is the mother of learning! As we continue to read through Mark a total of five times during the year, his account will become more and more fixed in our minds. Ultimately, the goal is for it to move from our minds to our hearts, but until we have God’s truth in our minds, it cannot move to our hearts. In Romans 12:2, the Apostle Paul told us not to be conformed or molded to the systems of this world, but to be transformed through the renewing of our minds. As we read Mark’s gospel again, the information will enter our minds again. The truth there will work renewal in our minds, which will bring transformation to our lives.

Mark 1, as we know by now, offers a great deal of information about the start of Jesus’ ministry. It offers a brief background of John the Baptist’s preparatory ministry, of Jesus’ baptism, His temptation in the wilderness, and the first portion of His ministry in Galilee. We read of His calling of Peter, Andrew, James, and John. We read briefly of His teaching in a synagogue and the amazing authority His teaching held. We read of many healing miracles, and of the clarity of Jesus’ purpose. Eventually, each of us will have an “outline” of Mark 1 in our minds, and the truths it contains will be available to us in our daily living. Remember, the purpose of this year-long reading plan is not simply so we will read through the whole Bible, but so we will know Jesus more, and so we will know more and more of God’s word, and apply it daily.

Day 350 – Titus 1-3; Luke 9

Today we turn to the Apostle Paul’s letter to Titus. Titus was another of Paul’s students or apprentices, who eventually became a pastor and leader in his own right. Paul called Titus his “son in the faith” as he did with Timothy. Paul offers us an important principle as we read through his “pastoral” letters: Equip those in following generations so the gospel will grow, and God’s Kingdom will expand. This principle of multiplication was taught by Jesus and carried out effectively by Paul. 

In Titus 1, Paul greets Titus and gets to “business” rather quickly by reminding him Paul had left him in Crete to appoint elders in the various towns. He offered a list of characteristics needed by elders, which is similar to the list he offered Timothy. After this, Paul reminded Titus of the dangers to the process posed by false leaders, and particularly those of the “circumcision party,” or the Judaizers who we have come to know through Paul’s ministry as recorded in Acts, and in his other letters.

In Titus 2, Paul offers Titus some specific teaching regarding how he was to train older men and women. Paul told Titus to have the older women then train the younger women, while he was to train the younger men. The key in all of it was for Titus to live a life of integrity, so those who watched and attempted to say anything negative about Titus’ ministry would be put to shame. This is so vital in every era of history, but perhaps never more so than today, when every moment of our lives is either recorded or could be recorded. We must always assume someone is watching, because even if no human audience is watching, God is!

In Titus 3, Paul closes his brief letter to Titus by commanding him to live a holy life, to teach others to do so, and to remember where all of them had started: as sinners. Only by the grace of God in Jesus are we saved, and do our lives change. Paul reminded Titus not to put up with those who caused trouble, basically offering a “three strikes and you’re out instruction.” Paul encouraged Titus to welcome and help those who were carrying out Jesus’ ministry in his closing comments. Paul’s words always lead us to the conclusion Jesus’ followers must be generous and must cultivate a habit and attitude of generosity.

As we return to Luke 9, we’re reminded while each chapter in each of the gospels is important some hold more significant content than others. Such is Luke 9. In it, Jesus sends out the twelve on their first mission to preach the gospel. When they return, He takes them away for some rest, but the crowds come. Jesus teaches them, and then feeds 5,000 men along with the women and children with five loaves of bread and a couple fish. After this Jesus asks the disciples who the crowds say He is, and then asks them? Peter responds to Jesus with the “right” answer. He is the Christ or Messiah. Jesus then tells the twelve of His impending death and resurrection. Later in the chapter, Jesus, Peter, James and John go up on a mountain where Jesus is transfigured with Moses and Elijah. When they return, they find the remaining nine disciples unable to cast a demon out of a young boy. Jesus casts out the demon, and then Jesus again tells the twelve He is going to die and rise again. This time the twelve raise the question of who among them is the greatest–not exactly an empathetic response to Jesus’ revelation.  Jesus finds Himself rejected in Samaria, and His followers challenging others who were casting out demons in Jesus’ name. Jesus tells them to permit them to do so, because anyone who is not against Him is for Him. The chapter closes with Jesus telling several folks who claim they have come to follow Him it will be harder than they think. He tells them of the challenges they will face, and we’re led to believe they don’t follow.  We must always remember following Jesus comes with costs. We must never assume following Him will be easy or that it will bring only blessings in this life. The ultimate rewards of following Jesus are having a relationship with Him, and one day being with Him personally forever!

March 14 – Day 74 – 1 Samuel 4-7; John 21 Day 349 – 2 Timothy 1-4; Luke 8

[NOTE: For those who are continuing the 1-year Bible reading plan we started on April 1, 2018, just go to the end of this entry and you will find the Day 349 – 2 Timothy 1-4; Luke 8 summary!]

1 Samuel 4-7 records the Philistines’ attack on Israel, their victory over Israel, their capturing of the Ark of the Lord, their ultimate return of it, and the Israelites eventual defeat of the Philistines with Samuel as their leader. As we read the events that took place, we find God’s promises always come true, and His power is amazingly great. First, God had promised Eli his sons would die, and his descendants would never live to old age. After the Philistines had defeated the Israelites a first time, the Israelites decided to take the Ark of the Lord into battle. The Philistines were terrified when they heard that news. They realized the ark represented the God of Israel who had sent plagues on Egypt and delivered the Israelites from bondage there. Their terror turned to resolve, and they defeated the Israelites, killed 30,000 troops, along with Eli’s two sons and captured the Ark of the Lord.

They soon found the Ark contained power. When they placed it in the Temple of Dagon, one of their gods, they returned the next day to find the idol had toppled over. They stood it up again, but the next day the idol had fallen again, and its arms had broken off, and its head as well. The symbolism can’t be missed. The LORD is powerful, more powerful than any idol. Next the Philistine people started to experience a plague. The Ark was moved from once city to another and everywhere it went the Philistines experienced the plague. Eventually, they decided to return the Ark. When it was back among the Israelites, seventy of the men of Israel looked into the Ark and died. God is holy. The Ark represented Him and was only to be handled by priests from the tribe of Levi. The Israelites’ disobedience was judged, just as the Philistines had been judged for assuming their gods were “bigger” than the LORD. Eventually, the Ark was moved to Kiriath-jearim and Samuel organized the army of Israel to go against the Philistines. He called on the LORD for help and the LORD provided victory over them for many years.

While our modern sensibilities may be offended by some of these events, the lesson is once again: The LORD is holy. We must never assume we serve a weak God. God’s love is never weak.  God’s wrath is real. Jesus came to redeem us from sin and death, to restore us from God’s wrath, but short of a relationship with Him, we stand condemned, and will one day be separated from our holy God forever. Thank God He loves us so much, He has made a way for us to experience His salvation rather than His wrath!

As we return to John 21, we again read of Jesus’ “reinstatement” of Peter, as it is called. Peter had denied Jesus three times, in a moment when Jesus needed him most. Yet after enduring the crucifixion and rising from the dead, Jesus’ goal was to restore Peter to his place of leadership among the apostles. Jesus never holds a grudge. Jesus never gets even with us. Jesus always offers us forgiveness and restoration. That’s what His life, teaching, death and resurrection emphasize from beginning to end. I once had a young father whose child had been born with multiple birth defects ask me, “Do you think God ever gets even?” I asked him what he meant. He said he had lived a sinful life in his younger years and turned his back on God many times. He wanted to know if his daughter’s condition was God’s getting even with him.

It wasn’t a moment for platitudes. I told him all our actions have consequences. His drug use in his early years could potentially have had an impact on his daughter. But that was not God “getting even.” God’s desire was for him and his daughter to experience His truth, love, and salvation. Over the next several months, as I visited the man and his wife, and his daughter’s condition worsened, he came to a realization that it was God who was giving him the strength to face the situation. Romans 8:28 assures us, “In all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.” We all make sinful choices and commit sinful actions. God’s purpose is to redeem us from those. That’s what Jesus’ death on the cross tells us. It’s what Jesus’ meeting with Peter on that early morning by the Sea of Galilee show us. God has promised never to leave us, nor to forsake us, and all His promises are true.

Day 349 – 2 Timothy 1-4; Luke 8

Today we move to 2 Timothy. Here Paul continued to mentor his young son in the faith, and as we move through the letter, we see Paul becoming more purposeful as he realized the time for his earthly life to end was drawing near.

In 2 Timothy 1, Paul starts by exhorting Timothy to be strong in his faith. He reminds Timothy that the faith he holds was first held by his mother and before that his grandmother.  Paul also reminded Timothy that God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of love, power and self-discipline.  Paul reminds Timothy that he was a herald, an apostle, and a teacher. One of my mentors, Arthur Pace, preached on this passage of Scripture at my ordination. He said Paul was a preacher, a reacher, and a teacher. He charged me to be and do the same. Now, it’s been nearly thirty-five years that I have been being and doing those things. I’m sure Timothy took Paul’s words to heart as well, and they motivated him to keep the faith.

In 2 Timothy 2, Paul offers Timothy a model for equipping and passing the faith along. He reminds Timothy to take the message he received from Paul and pass it on to faithful leaders, who will pass it on to others. Thus, we see a “four generation” model of ministry. I was reminded of the truth and power of this model through the book Hero Makerby David Ferguson and Warren Bird. If we are leaders in the church, we must always be equipping others who will equip others. In this way, leaders are equipped, and the Kingdom multiplies.  Paul reminded Timothy to always be diligent to be a worker who stands approved. We must avoid godlessness and idle chatter, keeping focused on what matters. He again offers examples of those who had become side-tracked by the world and its desires.

In 2 Timothy 3, Paul admonishes Timothy that as the time draws closer to the end, people will become more and more resistant to the truth. He says they will become lovers of money, and they will not listen to faithful teaching, but only to what they desire. He reminds Timothy of the source of truth: God’s word. He reminds Timothy that all Scripture is breathed by God and is fitting to teach and correct us, and to train us in God’s ways. What a powerful reminder to us! As we look around and see so much utter nonsense going on in the world, and people believing just about anything, how important it is for us to keep ourselves focused on God’s word and His truth.

In 2 Timothy 4, Paul closes with a charge for Timothy to keep the faith. In the midst of an increasing propensity for people to hear only what their “itching ears want to hear,” Timothy is to continue to teach the truth in season and out of season. He reminds Timothy that he has run the course and kept the faith. This is reminiscent of the words Paul wrote to the Philippians in chapter 3, but there he told us he was running the race. Now, he saw the finish line, and he wanted Timothy to know he had kept the faith. He closes with a couple of requests, and some personal greetings. Among these, Paul mentioned that Mark was useful to him. This is the same Mark, who Paul was unwilling to take with him in Acts 15. Thankfully, Barnabas gave Mark a second chance, and thankfully Mark and Paul had reconciled in the intervening years. We see Paul’s growth from that time in Acts 15 to this point in 2 Timothy 4. That reminds us that each of us is called to continue to grow throughout our lives, and only when we see Jesus will our faith be perfected!

As we return to Luke 8, Luke starts with an interesting detail: Jesus had women in his group, and some of them provided the financial means for the group. That was so uncharacteristic of rabbis in Jesus’ day. After this we read the Parable of the Sower, which was followed by Jesus telling the disciples why He taught in parables. After this Jesus told the brief parable of how no one puts a lamp under a basket. Next, Jesus mother and brothers came looking for Him. When they couldn’t get near, because the crowd was so big, some people in the crowd told Jesus His family was looking for Him. Jesus responded by saying His mother and brothers were those who do His Father’s will.

After this the disciples took a boat across the sea of Galilee. A storm came up, but Jesus was sleeping. When the disciples woke Jesus, He calmed the storm. They were amazed. Jesus wondered why they had so little faith!  After that Jesus healed “Legion,” which is an account we find in Mark 5. This was followed as it is in Mark 5, by Jesus healing a woman with an issue of blood, and Jairus’ daughter who was dead, before Jesus healed her. What an incredible Savior and Lord we serve. Take a moment to review this chapter and realize this was all in a day’s “work” for Jesus. Amazing. 

March 13 – Day 73 – 1 Samuel 1-3; John 20 Day 348 – 1 Timothy 4-6; Luke 7

[NOTE: For those who are continuing the 1-year Bible reading plan we started on April 1, 2018, just go to the end of this entry and you will find the Day 348 – 1 Timothy 4-6; Luke 7 summary!]

Today we move to 1 Samuel. The next six books we encounter: 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, and 1 & 2 Chronicles, take us through the life and times of Israel from the days just prior to the establishment of the monarchy, through the fall of the Northern Kingdom (Israel), and the Southern Kingdom (Judah). These books are historical narrative. 1 & 2 Kings, and 1 & 2 Chronicles offer much of the same material, but differ in their details. 1 & 2 Samuel starts with the life of Samuel, one of the greatest prophets in the history of Israel. As we will see, Samuel was called by God to select the first and second kings of Israel: Saul and David. King David became the greatest king in the nation’s history, and the one everyone used as a point of comparison for the Messiah. The Messiah was often referred to as “The Son of David,” even though he was in the same sense “The Son of Solomon,” “The Son of Rehoboam,” and so on. Let’s turn now to the first three chapters of 1 Samuel.

In 1 Samuel 1, we read the account of Elkanah, Hannah, and Peninnah. Elkanah was the husband of both Hannah and Peninnah. Peninnah had children but Hannah did not. That led Peninnah to ridicule Hannah, because in that culture not having a child, and a son in particular, was cause for ridicule. Hannah took her barren condition to the Lord. Her prayer was so desperate that Eli, the priest at Shiloh, thought she was drunk. She was sobbing and praying with her lips moving, but not making any sound. He started to ridicule her as well for being drunk, but Hannah told him she was crying out to the LORD for a son. Eli offered a blessing over her, that her prayer would be answered. It was! Hannah bore a son, and she named him Samuel, which means “The LORD hears.” What an appropriate and powerful name. As part of her prayer to the LORD for a son, Hannah had promised to dedicate the child to the LORD. She kept the promise and when Samuel had been weaned, she took him back to Eli, so Eli could bring him up as a priest. It’s hard to imagine making a vow to dedicate one’s child to the LORD at such a young age. Yet, it shows us Hannah’s trust in Him and Hannah’s obedience. At the moment, she had no idea how important her son would be to Israel. The only thing she knew was the LORD could answer her prayers, and as He did, she would respond by trusting her son to Him.

The first half of 1 Samuel 2 records the beautiful prayer of Hannah. The words in it recount God’s faithfulness, and how He cares for those who are downtrodden. About a thousand years later, another young woman of Israel would recite her own prayer, that would incorporate some of Hannah’s words and ideas, because of God giving her a son. That woman would be named Mary, and her son’s name would be Jesus! In the remainder of the chapter, we read about Eli’s sons and their unfaithfulness in their work as priests. They desecrated the sacrifices of people, and they seduced some of the young women who came to worship. Meanwhile, Samuel served Eli faithfully, At the close of the chapter a man of God came along and pronounced a curse on Eli and his family. While Eli was faithful, he did nothing to stop his sons from serving wickedly before the LORD. Because of that, Eli’s family would no longer be priests, and all would die an untimely death. The curse is harsh, but remember, God was establishing a holy people, and those serving in the priesthood must be faithful.  The lesson we learn from this passage is we are called to call our children to faithfulness. If they are not faithful, we cannot permit them to continue in positions of prominence in the LORD’s work. This passage hits so close to home for me, because our two daughters are not following the LORD at this time. We continue to pray for them, and we continue to call them to return to the Lord. We also continue to love them and to stay in relationship with them. We do not even consider giving them the opportunity to serve in any kind of leadership in the church–not that they would want to do so right now.

1 Samuel 3 records the first encounter Samuel had with the LORD. It’s a bit amusing if you step back from it and think about it. Samuel was still quite young, and we’re told the word of the LORD wasn’t common in those days. In other words, the LORD didn’t often speak to people directly. But one night as Samuel was sleeping the LORD called out to him, “Samuel.” Samuel had no idea it was the LORD. How would he? The LORD had never spoken to him. He made a reasonable assumption: Eli is calling me. So, he went to Eli and asked what he wanted. Eli said he hadn’t called Samuel and told him to go back to bed. This happened again, with the same result. Then it happened again, and Elirealized it was the LORD. He told Samuel if he heard the voice again to say, “Speak LORD, your servant listens.” What a powerful statement. Often in my prayer times, when I want to simply listen to the LORD, I will say the same thing, “Speak LORD, your servant listens.” The LORD did speak to Samuel. He gave Samuel the same message of the bleak future Eli’s family would experience. Their judgment was coming.

The next morning Eli asked Samuel if the LORD had spoken, and if so, what He had said. Eli also warned him to tell the truth, so Samuel did. From that moment forward the LORD spoke to Samuel often, and gave Samuel credibility not only with the people who came to Shiloh, but eventually with all of Israel.

In John 20, we have the joy of rereading the account of Jesus’ resurrection! To me the most poignant moment in John’s account of the resurrection is when Mary Magdalene sees Jesus and thinks He is the gardener. She asks Him where they have taken the body, so she may go and bring it back. Jesus speaks to Mary. He only says one word, but that one word shows Mary who it is. The word was, “Mary.” Jesus spoke her name, and Mary recognized Jesus. She knew the sound of compassion that had led her back from prostitution and demon possession. Can you imagine what that must have been like? In our own lives, Jesus speaks our names. He knows each of us by name. He calls each of us by name. People often say, “If you were the only person who needed to be saved, Jesus would have died for you.” That statement is true, and one day, those of us who have trusted Jesus as Savior and Lord, will stand before Him and hear Him call our name. Mary had a glimpse of that moment on the first resurrection morning. May we live our lives in such a way that when we face Jesus it will be the greatest moment of our eternity!

Day 348 – 1 Timothy 4-6; Luke 7

In 1 Timothy 4, Paul gives Timothy a “laundry list” of practices he ought to follow to be effective in his leadership as a pastor. They include avoiding false teaching, and not letting folks look down on you because of your youth. 

In 1 Timothy 5, Paul gives specific recommendations on how to relate to older men and women–as if they were your father or mother, and how to address the matter of widows in the church. Paul went to great lengths in defining what was and was not a widow and addressed younger widows in particular by telling them to remarry, so they would not be led astray. These recommendations don’t contradict what Paul said about marriage in 1 Corinthians, but they do show us there were some contextual differences between churches as we might expect.  Paul also points out in the beginning of 1 Timothy 6 how slaves ought to respect and respond to their masters. This is really the completion of 1 Timothy 5, because the remainder of 1 Timothy 6 addresses the matter of wealthy members of the church.

In the remainder of 1 Timothy 6, Paul speaks about those who are wealthy or are “rich” in this world. He reminds him that the love of money is the root of all sorts of evil. Money is not evil. As someone has said, “Money is like a brick. It is neither good nor bad in and of itself. A brick can be used to build a house or break a window. It isn’t the brick that is good or bad, but the motivation of the one using it.” In the same way, Paul admonishes Timothy to instruct those with worldly wealth, which includes nearly all of us who are reading this, if we’re Americans, to be generous, to enjoy what God has given us, to use it to do good. So often when church people start talking about money, they get bogged down in defining what tithing is and whether we ought to tithe on the net or the gross. Here’s the short truth about wealth: When we realize it is allGod’s in the first place, and we use it as faithful and generous stewards or managers, our lives are so much better than when we listen to the world and either hoard it or waste it. Money is a tool to be used in serving Jesus, our Master. Money is a great servant and a terrible master. 

As we return to Luke 7, Jesus heals a Roman centurion’s servant, showing us His desire to see God’s Kingdom come was not reserved to Jews only. Next, Jesus raised a widow’s son from the dead, showing us His concern for widows. Then John the Baptist’s disciples come to Jesus and ask Him a piercing question from John: Are you the Messiah or not? John had been expecting a conquering hero Messiah, a Messiah who would restore Israel to prominence. Jesus wasn’t that. Jesus’ response was to quote Isaiah, a messianic passage from Isaiah to show John He was the Messiah, but not in the way John expected. Jesus used the moment to affirm John’s ministry. The final encounter of the chapter finds Jesus as a wealthy man’s dinner guest, when a “sinful” woman comes in and makes a scene, by kissing Jesus’ feet, washing them with her tears, and drying them with her hair. The rich man thinks to himself that Jesus would know what kind of woman this was, if He were truly a prophet. Jesus tells the man a story about two men who owed their master a debt. One owed a great debt, the other a small debt. The master forgave both debts. Jesus asked which servant would love the master more? The man said the one who was forgiven more. Jesus affirmed the answer, and then affirmed the woman for her great love and said her sins, which were many were forgiven, because of her great love.