The Swamp Fox

Nancy and I have been staying in Marion, South Carolina for the past couple of nights. The town and the county in which it is located are named for Francis Marion, an American patriot who served during the Revolutionary War. He was known to the British as “The Swamp Fox,” because he used surprise attacks, and trickery to overcome British troops even though the British troops’ numbers were nearly always greater than Marion’s.  As I’ve been reading about Colonel Marion and watching some videos based on his life, I’ve discovered that he is one of three American patriots on whose life the main character in Mel Gibson’s movie The Patriot is based.

In one of the videos I watched about Marion, he gives a rousing speech about why despite being outnumbered, outgunned and in virtually every way being the underdogs in the war for independence they will win: they are fighting for their land, their families and their country. They have a cause worthy of defending. He points out that the British are there because they are paid to be there. They aren’t defending their homes. They are simply taking orders. The point is obvious: When we have a worthy cause, a cause for which we would be willing to die, we have a reason to live! As I listened to Colonel Marion’s speech, I thought, “Yes! I would serve him. I would serve his cause. I would be glad to fight and even die for such a leader.”

We have such a cause, and an even greater leader, if Jesus Christ is the one we serve as Savior and Lord. He has already lived, died and risen again for us. He has given us new lives empowered by His Holy Spirit. The enemy we fight is real. The stakes are eternal. Sometimes it’s easier to watch a video of a leader from more than 200 years ago and say, “Yes, I would follow him!” than to remember that we’re following a leader and living out a cause who is superior to any leader or cause in history. Until we remember that what we are living as Jesus’ followers in His cause which is worth dying for if necessary, we will never live with the passion, zeal and integrity we need in a time such as this. Francis Marion helped me to remember that great leaders are worthy of being followed in any era.

One of the most common questions we hear about leadership today is, “Where are the great leaders?” We ask this question every four years when we have presidential elections. We ask it every time we read about or watch the news of another leader in the business world, or field of education, or in the ministry who has compromised his or her integrity for personal gain or personal indulgence. As you and I seek to live as leaders at home, work, church or in the world, we may think, “I’m never going to be president,” or “I’m never going to lead an understaffed group of soldiers against an occupying army,” or “I’m never going to be the president of the company,” but each of us can and must remember that we are leaders in the army of Jesus Christ. We often want to downplay the military terminology when it comes to our participation in the cause of Jesus Christ, but the truth is we are engaged in a spiritual battle every moment of every day of our lives.

What role do we play in the battle? At different times we may be foot soldiers, or members of the cavalry, or sergeants, captains or even generals. The position we hold doesn’t matter nearly as much as how we discharge our service in each moment. Whether we’re “privates” or “generals” our cause is worthy. We are not mercenaries, merely at our posts because we’re being paid a sum of money. We’re patriots. We’re part of the cause of eternity, and we’re called to use every bit of wisdom, truth, strategy and love God has given us as we engage our enemy. We must remember the Apostle Paul’s words that tell us our battle is NOT against flesh and blood, in other words not against people, but against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (See Ephesians 6:10 and following.). Then we must remember that spiritual battles must be fought with spiritual weapons. We must wear the armor of God and engage the enemy with the sword of the Spirit, which is God’s word.

As we engage the battle we must remember that we have already won. Jesus won the victory over sin and death 2,000 years ago on the cross. As Francis Marion spoke to his troops so long ago, he spoke with the conviction of one who knew his cause was just and that the victory was already theirs, even though the reality of that victory seemed far from certain in the moment. We must always remember that there is no doubt about the ultimate outcome of the war in which we are engaged. We have already won. Let’s live as leaders on the victorious side, being gracious to those who have been defeated, because they have served the losing side out of ignorance and being deceived. As Paul said our battle is NOT against flesh and blood, against people, but against the spiritual forces that have controlled them. At the end of the battle there will be some people who are separated from us because they have chosen to follow the enemy. As long as the battle continues we have the opportunity to win them over to our side. That is part of what it means to be a leader in God’s army.

I saw this clearly in one of the videos I watched about The Swamp Fox. Some of the “Tories,” those loyal to Great Britain, were burning the homes of their patriotic neighbors. In one case a Tory leader brought his group to the home of his brother, who was in the Continental army. He locked his brother in the barn and set it on fire. Colonel Marion and a few of his men showed up in the nick of time, drove off the Tories and saved the man. A few scenes later a group of patriots, some who served in the Continental army and some who did not, are shown marching toward the home of a family of Tories. They are intent on burning the home to the ground in retaliation for what had been done to them. The Swamp Fox shows up and reminds the group that after the war, they are going to be neighbors and family members. He tells the group that the Tories will forget their allegiance to Britain, but they will never forget that their friends and neighbors burned their homes.

It was a pivotal moment. It showed the merit of the patriotic cause. It showed the noble nature of Marion. It reminded me that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but in the evil spiritual forces behind what human beings do to one another, and that after the battle we will be neighbors. As leaders in God’s army we must remember that we serve the cause of Jesus Christ, and the goal is to draw all people to Him, that each of us may live together as brothers and sister for eternity. The war is already won. The battles continue and casualties can and will come. We must do all we can do to lead from the virtue of our cause, and the reality that at the end of the day all who remain will live as brothers and sisters forever. Let’s live that cause, whatever our role may be at this moment, to God’s glory and to the end that as many as possible may experience the life that is truly life now and forever through Him.

Here’s to leading by living our cause fervently and effectively–today!

Truth and Love

For all of my adult life I have pursued a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. That has meant reading the Bible and considering its message as the basis for truth. Many in our day don’t believe truth exists, at least not absolute truth. The idea that absolute truth doesn’t exist is foolish, considering that the statement: There is no absolute truth is a claim of absolute truth! Of course absolute truth exists. The Law of Gravity, for example, always works. All truth claims are absolute. If I say my name is Chris Marshall either I am or I am not Chris Marshall. The statement is absolutely true or absolutely false. While we may debate about who I am, the absolute truth is I am someone, and I either am or I am not Chris Marshall.

Folks who claim no absolute truth  exists say more about their desires than about truth. Jesus Christ made many claims that I wish were not true, because my life would be easier if He hadn’t made them or if they weren’t true. For example, He claimed to be “…the way, the truth and the life..” and that “…no one comes to the Father except through Me.” (See John 14:6 in the Bible.) While it would be far easier for me and for all of us, if “all paths lead to the top of the mountain,” that is it would be easier if whatever anyone believes when it comes to philosophy and religion were true. But either what Jesus said is true or false. We can’t simply say, because I don’t want something to be true no absolute truth exists. That’s not a statement of truth. It’s wishful thinking. What we must say is, “I don’t think ‘X’ is true, but I must investigate to determine whether it is or not.”

The age of reason, the Enlightenment of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, convinced us that truth would lead us to a better world, perhaps a perfect one. In the twentieth and now the twenty-first centuries we’ve realized that such a truth claim was not true. Reason has not won the victory over violence, disease, poverty and the like. Many have abandoned the quest for truth, because it didn’t lead where we were promised it would. The truth is we abandoned the quest for truth when we limited truth to the things that can be seen, heard, tasted, touched or smelled. Science is a wonderful endeavor when used within the limits of science, but as a religion science has failed miserably. Since science can’t investigate an uncaused cause for the creation of the universe, “science” tells us one does not exist. Since science cannot investigate the occurrence of miracles, which by definition are beyond the natural, “science” tells us miracles don’t exist. The truth is “science” doesn’t tell us anything. SCIENTISTS DO! Science is invaluable when used to investigate natural phenomena, but when we use it to investigate the origin of the universe, for example, or the causes of poverty or violence, science always falls short, because these are matters beyond the scope of science.

But not beyond the scope of truth. All truth is not relative.  Absolute truth exists. As we investigate the cause of the universe, or the reasons for poverty and violence we go beyond the scope of science, but a cause exists for the creation of the universe, and causes exist for poverty and violence. These are absolute realities that have absolute causes. We must step into the realms of philosophy and faith when we seek to discover them, but discover them we can. I find it quite interesting that many of the modern atheists are so passionate about their faith. (Yes, atheism is a faith, because it’s basic premise: there is no God cannot be proven scientifically.) To claim there is no God, or no truth, because one doesn’t want there to be is quite a non-scientific approach. As one Christian apologist debating an ardent atheist has put it in summing up the atheist’s claims: There is no God and you hate Him. How does one “hate” a being who doesn’t exist? Reason tells us we cannot hate that which doesn’t exist.

My point is that as leaders, who are also Christians in the twenty-first century, you and I must hold the truth together with love as the Apostle Paul reminded us in Ephesians 4. When we speak the truth, we must speak it in love. People don’t want to hear us, because we believe in Jesus. They won’t hear us for sure when we yell or act belligerently as we offer the truth to people. In my experience as one who knows the truth, and who has been set free by it as Jesus promised I would be, when I speak the truth in love people listen. They may still scoff at my conclusions. They may discount my claims, but most will walk away with a different attitude about me than they do of many with whom they have argued, because they will have experienced the love of Jesus.

I don’t claim to speak the truth in love perfectly. None of us do. But we have the great opportunity as leaders who follow Jesus to show people that  we are not “fools” simply because we believe the truth, or because we believe truth exists. The debate between Christians and those of other religions and no religion is going to increase in our culture, because of the commonly held belief that absolute truth doesn’t exist. We won’t win the debate through reason alone, but we must not abandon reason. We must not abandon good science. We must not rely on anger or derision to put down those with whom we disagree. That is the way of the world. I’m amazed at how often people who have weak points YELL. When we speak the truth, we don’t need to yell. In fact, speaking the truth in love, requires that we remain calm in our passion. That doesn’t mean we speak in monotones or in barely audible voices. It means that our passion exudes love, not anger. It means as we speak the truth, we let the assurance of the truth compel rather than the decibel level of our words.

While I wrote this post for all of you, I have written it as a reminder most of all to myself. It’s always easier to yell, especially for me. I was brought up that way. It’s always easier to speak the truth without love, or to love without considering the truth. We have neither of those luxuries in a world that’s moving farther and farther away from both truth and love in the name of “tolerance” and “acceptance”. (I put those words in quotes, because of the way our culture has refined them both over the past decade or so. Tolerance means acceptance in our culture, but tolerance is NOT acceptance, it is a willingness to put up with another’s viewpoint. It is speaking the truth in love, rather than dumbing down the truth, or reacting out of hate. Acceptance is not agreement, but rather demonstrating love and good will to those around us, even when we disagree.)

Leadership is sorely tested in this day in which everyone does what is right in his or her own eyes. When we cannot appeal to truth alone as a virtue on which to base our lives, because many around us disagree on whether truth exists, we must continue to learn and live the truth in love, because that marriage of truth and love is compelling. It will be even more so as people become more and more disagreeable and intolerant of those who contend that truth exists and exists absolutely. We will be challenged as we live the truth in love. Remember, the only one who ever did that perfectly–Jesus–was executed by those He came to save. Jesus reminded us that if the world rejected Him, it will reject us. Don’t surprised when you’re rejected, but be sure when it happens it is for speaking the truth in love. The Good News of Jesus has always been offensive to those living in darkness, living outside of the truth, but it’s the only hope of the world. We must continue to speak it and live it in love as He commanded. While it will become increasingly difficult to do so, it is the only solution to a world disconnected from God’s truth and love. As we live the truth in love we shine light, God’s light, on the darkness, and that IS our calling from Him.

Here’s to leading better by speaking the truth in love-today!

The Importance of Rest

A tired leader is an ineffective leader. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but over time when we fail to take time for rest our leadership suffers. We live in a culture that has long considered working to exhaustion, sucking it up when others won’t, and having a “git ‘er done” mentality badges of honor. I have too for much of my life. I’ve counted it as evidence that I’m a true leader when I’ve worked more hours than most of the people around me. When folks mentioned working a double shift at their factory jobs, I’ve thought, “I work 14-16 hours in a day at least once a week and have never been paid a penny of overtime, since my work as a pastor is a salaried position.”

Looking back over my life, I remember periods in my younger days when I worked more than 80 hours a week as a carpenter and as a pastor on a regular basis. I DID get a lot accomplished, AND during those times I also made some of the worst decisions of my life. Were the two connected? Definitely. Our judgment gets impaired when we lack rest. Study after study has shown that sleep deprivation, and “running on empty” contribute to on the job accidents for those who work in blue collar situations, and poor decisions regardless of what type of work we do. Nevertheless, there are those particularly in my generation (Baby Boomers) who still push and push at work considering rest a luxury that comes with retirement.

While generational studies show that Gen Xers’ and Millennials tend not to be as driven as groups as Baby Boomers, the tendency to undervalue rest and overvalue drivenness in the work place and in life is still strong. Several years ago, as I was considering “Life Management,” the overall practice of caring for the important matters of life that contribute to being healthy and growing people, I came up with seven components and the first was REST. I realized that in the very order of creation in Genesis 1, God established days as starting at night or evening. In the record of creation at the end of each day, the account reads, “There was EVENING and MORNING…” Why? Why do the days start in the evening and not in the morning?  We consider days to start when we get up and get going. We talk about “FIRST thing in the morning…” As I reflected on it, this thought came to me: What if evening comes first, because God expects us to REST before we work? What if we get up in the middle of the day, to show that God has been working all night and we join Him in His work, rather than asking Him to join us in ours?

That kind of thinking has revolutionized my approach to rest. I realized what the Bible makes clear from cover to cover: I work first and foremost to fulfill God’s plan for my life, not to demonstrate that I am a leader, or that I’m significant, or that I’m more effective than others, or for any other reason.  When I recognize my role as God’s co-worker, who works to carry out His plan for me, then I get my value more from who I am than what I do. I work just as hard as I ever have, but I’ve started to value rest. In fact, as I write these words I’m on vacation. I’ve come to realize that I need to sleep 7-8 hours each night, take an hour each day to invest time with God, a day each week away from work (what the Bible calls Sabbath) and then I need to take regular times away from work (what we call vacation, and what I’ve come to consider rest and renewal time). When I do that, my energy level for the hours I do work is higher. I focus better, and I accomplish as much in fewer hours as I did when I was always working to exhaustion. I also prioritize better. I don’t do so many things that don’t need to be done in the first place, nearly as much.

If you’re thinking, “That’s okay for an old guy, but I have to get as much done as I can while I can,” remember: God created a rhythm of rest and work in the fabric of creation for our benefit. He designed us and He knows what WORKS best for us. We work best with rest. If you want to lead effectively, and particularly if you are a leader at work, investing time to rest by sleeping enough, turning to God for a daily time with Him, stopping our work once a week and regularly throughout the year to rest, reflect, and be renewed will result in honoring God AND being more productive.

I challenge you to try it for a month if you’re one of those work ’til you drop people. It will take you a month to start to experience the benefits. If you’re on the fence after a month give it one more month. At worst, you’ll lose a few hours of work each week, and you can get back to your driven life when you want. At best, you’ll discover that you are a more effective person, worker, spouse, parent, and leader than you have been to this point. You’ll be in a position to emphasize what’s really important in your life, and in all likelihood you’ll be physically healthier too!

One final note about rest: rest is more than not working. Watching television for three hours is not resting. Playing video games all evening is not resting. Mowing your grass is not resting. Rest is sleeping, or reflecting on your life, or taking a walk with your spouse or child, and talking about what’s important to them and how they’re doing right now. It’s praying or journaling. It may even be writing a post in your blog that causes you to look back on your life and consider what’s really important. No one lying on their death bed says, “I wish I would’ve shown up at the office an extra five hours each week,” but plenty wish they had paused their work life more frequently to invest more time with loved ones, to develop their relationship with God and even in taking the time to consider what was truly important.

Here’s to leading better when it comes to leading ourselves in the area of rest–today!

The Value of Integrity

The other day I received a phone call from someone I hadn’t heard from in years. Because I was in a meeting at the time I wasn’t able to take the call, but he left a voicemail. The message was brief, and concluded with this statement, “I needed to talk with you, because you’re the only one I trust.” Wow! I haven’t had daily contact with this man for more than a decade and yet, in a time of need he called me. I was honored and humbled. I mentioned the message to Nancy and she said, “There’s no time limit on integrity. It doesn’t matter whether it’s been a couple of days or a number of years, right?”

Right. Integrity talks many years to establish. The word has a number of definitions, but in practical terms being a man or woman of integrity means that we are what we seem to be. We’re consistent. We’re trustable. The words integrity and integer are related. There’s a completeness in integrity that shows others we can be trusted when a time of need comes into their lives. While none of us is 100% whole, while those of us with the highest integrity still fall far short of perfection, the consistency in our lives establishes us as leaders to others. While it takes years to develop integrity, it is so easy to forfeit. We can lose our integrity in an instant through a momentary lapse in judgment. Then it takes years to rebuild, and for some the momentary lapse may never be forgotten. That’s why it is so important to make our decisions based on the long-term, rather than the moment.

We live in a world that seems not to care nearly as much about integrity as in bygone eras. The truth is integrity will always be valued, because when we are hurting, or suffering loss, or need wisdom, we turn to someone who has integrity if we know one. In those times we know they will listen, they will give wise advice and won’t just tell us what we want to hear. They will put our interests before their own.

The only person who had 100% integrity was Jesus Christ. It’s interesting that everyone sought Him out at one time or another to ask for help. Even Nicodemus, a Pharisee, came to Jesus to ask about spiritual matters. Zacchaeus, a tax-collector, and man hated by most of the Jews, came to Jesus when he wanted to be restored as a man of integrity. A Roman centurion trusted Jesus to heal a servant, because the centurion understood Jesus’ was a man under authority and a man of great integrity.

I encourage you to build your integrity day-by-day. No one becomes a man or woman of integrity overnight. By speaking the truth in love day-by-day, by showing up when you say you will, by putting others’ needs before you own–in short by living in wholeness as Jesus would define it– we become people of integrity. The world is desperate for men and women of integrity whether in our homes, workplaces, churches or wherever, because the trials of life DO come, and in those moments, we need someone we know we can trust.

I was so honored to be that person for someone this week. I challenge and encourage you to become more and more that person with each passing day. When the phone rings, or the doorbell, or someone walks up to you at school or work and says, “I knew I could trust you. Would you be able to help me…..” it will be worth the sacrifices of time, effort, energy and prayer in your life to become a man or woman of integrity. I know it was worth it to me to be there when someone really needed a person to trust.

Here’s to leading better–today!

Leading Through Trust

On Tuesday evening while Nancy and I were at the Pittsburgh Pirates game, Manager Clint Hurdle put Tony Watson in to pitch in the 7th inning. If you are any kind of a Pirate fan, you know that has been something quite typical over the past several years. In either the 7th or 8th innings Hurdle has relied on Watson to come into games and hold leads. Watson has done that extremely well–until the last several games. In fact, over his previous three appearances Watson had been hit hard, given up a number of runs and lost a couple of the games.

So why put Watson into the game on Tuesday night with a slim two-run lead? Because Clint Hurdle trusts Tony Watson. Because good leaders base their trust on experience not feelings. Watson has proven his effectiveness over the past several years, and the past several outings are most likely an anomaly. The only way for Hurdle to know whether that was the case was to put his trust in Watson and give him the opportunity pitch again. Had Watson blown another lead, which led to another Pirates’ loss, the trust may have seemed misplaced. Thankfully, (speaking as an avid Pirates fan!) Watson came through and pitched a “clean” inning, giving up a single hit and no runs.

One of the important characteristics of leaders is they trust people. While we live in a world where it seems increasingly difficult to trust others, my experience has been when you put your trust in people, they generally give their best to show themselves worthy of that trust. I need to be clear that trusting someone doesn’t mean being gullible. It wasn’t gullibility that led Clint Hurdle to trust Tony Watson on Tuesday night, but several years of demonstrated competency. I remember the words of former President Reagan when he was asked whether we ought to trust other governments, particularly when it came to nuclear arms. He said, “Trust and verify.”

Great leaders in life practice trust with verification, not gullibility or wishful thinking. As you consider whether to trust a co-worker, an acquaintance at church, someone who serves on a community board with you or anyone in your spheres of influence, it’s always helpful to base your trust on what you know of the person’s track record. Has he or she been trustable in your experience in the past? If you don’t know the person well are you willing to demonstrate trust and then verify that it is well placed? In other words, are you willing to entrust the person with responsibility or with sensitive information and then respond based on how he handles the trust. It is never good leadership to trust blindly regardless of performance or faithfulness in a relationship. Good leadership trusts and responds according to the response of the other person.

People have asked me why I am so trusting, and why I assume people will do what they say they will do, despite the reality that sometimes people aren’t trustable. My short response is that I have found most people, probably 95%, have responded positively to my entrusting them with responsibility, sensitive information, or friendship. I’m not going to let the small percentage who have not been trustable turn me into a cynical or suspicious person. Life is far too short to always expect the worst of people.

I’ll admit when I saw Tony Watson warming up before the 7th inning the other night, I turned to Nancy and asked, “Why is Clint Hurdle putting Watson in the game?” My memory was too short, clouded by the past few days, rather than remembering the past several years. I once heard Clint Hurdle say, “You all have an opinion about what I should do in any situation, and you’re entitled to it. In that moment my opinion is the one that matters, and I make the best choice I can based on the best information I have available to me at the time.” As it turned out, Hurdle was right to trust Tony Watson, and after the 7th inning my trust was reinforced as well. I hope the next time you have the opportunity to trust or mistrust someone, you will make your decision based on the best information you have available at the time, because about 95% of the time the person will be worthy of your trust.

Here’s to leading better–today!